Sunday, December 29, 2019

Portrayal of the Characters in Frankenstein Essay

Portrayal of the Characters in Frankenstein In the novel Frankenstein, written by Mary Shelley, the characters have been portrayed effectively. Much of the interactions between characters, and characteristics of the characters have been based on events which have occurred in Shelleys own life, or they represent what she believes is important. For example, Victor is portrayed as having a strong passion for science, and a poor understanding of relationships. Elizabeth is shown as a stereotypical woman of the time, who is also very powerless. The monster is depicted as being both beautiful and ugly, and someone who the reader feels sympathetic towards. Through the portrayal of her characters, Shelley has created a very effective†¦show more content†¦As a child, his only friends are Elizabeth and Clerval, and they are in fact, the only true friends he has throughout his entire life. He isolates himself from society during the time he is creating the monster, claiming that, I must absent myself from all I loved whilst thus employed (page 147). He claims that this is necessary if he is to discover the secret of life. One reason why Victor isolates himself is due to his fear of sexuality. When he creates the monster, he is eliminating the role of women and rejecting normal sexuality. This is also shown when Victors father suggests that he should marry Elizabeth immediately, and he states Alas! To me the idea of an immediate union with my Elizabeth was one of horror and dismay. (page 147). This shows Victors problems with relationships and therefore his isolation from others. Mary Shelley portrays Elizabeth as a perfect stereotypical woman of the time. She is described as a being heaven-sent, and bearing a celestial stamp in all her features (page 34), so we see that she is angelic, beautiful and very feminine. Elizabeth is the backbone of the Frankenstein household, making it a beautiful place with a loving atmosphere: The saintly soul of Elizabeth shone like a shrine - dedicated lamp in our peaceful home ... She was the living spirit of love to soften and attract. (p 37) Shelley portrays Elizabeth in this way as her own home lifeShow MoreRelatedFrankenstein Essay1374 Words   |  6 PagesShelley’s Presentation of Women in Frankenstein with that of Brave New World Throughout the novel, Frankenstein, a feminist theme subtly pervades the novel, and is crucial to the characters of the story, the plot line and the setting of the novel. The reasons for the creation of the monster lie within Frankenstein s own familial relationships, especially with the grief he experienced at the loss of his mother. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Effects Of More Than A Century Of Repression Against...

The effects of more than a century of repression against the indigenous peoples of the Americas are visible. In the United States, poor families in cheap government subsidized houses, youth who do not remember the history of their people and fall into the trap of drugs and alcohol like their parents; men and women trying to survive without employment, own land rented to white ranchers lost the use of its inhabitants. How are indigenous communities tremendously affected by alcohol? To better understand the problems of alcohol consumption among indigenous communities, case studies conducted in Panama and Canada will collect information related to the history and patterns of alcohol consumption, and responses that communities use to deal with this problem. In terms of methodology, researchers will use interviews, focus groups and observation to collect all necessary information, in indigenous communities. Close examination and interpretation of the community’s past history and co ntemporary presence will be used for better understanding of the best methodologies to apply for further studies of this issue. American Indian and Alaskan Native communities have been the victim of a long and widespread problem with alcoholism and other substance-abuse. There has been a push for new evidence of Native tribes’ historical roots with alcohol problems. In recent decades, extensive developments in comprehending the causes and solutions of these problems have been witnessed. Substance abuseShow MoreRelatedImpact Of Globalization On Journalism On A Global Scale1677 Words   |  7 PagesPower and democracy play an extremely large role in media industries as well as spatial, economic and political inequalities. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

The Chinese Three Gorges Programme Environmental Sciences Essay Free Essays

string(91) " Ship locks and two manner lanes were activated and started their map of hive awaying H2O\." Human world has put together great undertakings on this Earth of Earth, may it be building undertakings, IT related, direction based or sing any other field, work forces has excelled at every point and impression. To sort any set of activities as undertaking, one should foremost cognize what constitutes a Undertaking. Undertaking is a figure of activities targeted to accomplish a certain end, with the aid of limited resources, in a pre decided clip frame ( Kerzner, 1998 ) Many critics and experts have commented upon the sudden heaving of involvement in the filed of Project Management shown by the houses and particularly to the tallness that this rush has taken, that is beyond the boundaries of the conventional sectors of technology and different building related undertakings ( Sydow et al. We will write a custom essay sample on The Chinese Three Gorges Programme Environmental Sciences Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now , 2002 ) Just for case, have identified how immense and large organisations and companies are re-arranging into less interfering instead than being bureaucratic and seeking to go more ductile and lissome undertaking managing entities. Davies, Brady and Hobday ( 2006 ) suggested that houses and companies in all kind of concerns are reasoning that customary organizational formation and hierarchy, every bit good as subdivisions of runing units, trade divisions and units set up for continuing elevated degree of volume through arrangement of high quality goods and services and for deducing determinations in a relatively steady proficient and market state of affairs, are no longer sufficient. In the fast neutering and increasingly more unstable and obscure ambiance, today houses and concerns are happening that undertaking constitution of some kind is better suited to the type of probationary problems and gaps of opportunities that they have to manage. Others recommend that undertakings are acquiring liberally proportioned, more intricate and extended. Gradually more undertakings expand beyond the single administration or house. In add-on, there is cogent evidence of a more cosmopolitan dependance on undertakings, and besides that this widens beyond the confines of working life to a wider projectification of society The projectification of the public construct attempts to confine the colonization of a batch of note of life with undertaking associated doctrine, policy, methods and traffics, draw a bead oning to determine a new construct of undertaking clarity. ( Hodgson A ; Cicmil, 2003. ) Undertaking of the Three Gorges Dam One of the greatest and successful undertakings handled and completed by the work forces on this Earth is Three Gorges Dam Project built on the Yangtze River in China. Sun Yatsen, a Chinese political leader foremost wished for building a H2O dike on the River of Yangtze in 1919 for the intent of power coevals, but the idea was put on clasp due to adverse political and economic fortunes. Major inundations resurrected the thought and the authorities adopted it in 1954 for inundation control. Therefore in the history of China Three Gorges Project has a polar topographic point. The undertaking produces electricity, gives protection against inundations, had increased the transportation paths which in bend had positive impact ; the undertaking has been of great talk and contentions at the same clip Some of the of import statistics of the Three Gorges Dam Project are given below Dimensions: 185 m ( 606 foot ) high and 1,983 m ( 6,500 foot ) wide Water Level Increase: The degree of H2O was intended to travel up in 2 stages ; by 2004 it will augment by 30 m to 125m ( 426 foot ) and by 2009 will raise another 50m to 175 m ( 575 foot ) Cost Estimate: In 1985, the sum estimated was predicted to relieve by 2 to 5 times, it was about 10 billion US dollars at that clip Financing: Beginnings of financess were different, some from Corporate Bond, others from loans from Bankss. Materials Used: It was record breakage, stuff used in Three Gorges Dam, that is 1.9 million dozenss or rolled steel, about lumber was 1.6 million and cement was 10.8 million dozenss. Construction Time period: 1993 – 2009 Land submerged: In a unsmooth figure there were 13 metropoliss, 657 mills. Towns that got submerged were 140 in figure and small towns were 1352 to be exact. Resettlement of Peoples: Resettlement was done in three phases, 1.3 million people around got relocated from twelvemonth 1997-2009. Energy Production: . It can cover around 11-15 % of Chinese population with around 84 billion KW hours produced every twelvemonth. ( Statistics collected from hypertext transfer protocol: // ) Timeline of the Three Gorges Dam Project The great undertaking of the Three Gorges Dam started its building in 1992 with the blessing of the missive of building. The chief building of the dike started in the twelvemonth 1999. As this undertaking took 17 ( 17 ) old ages to acquire finished, therefore the figure of of import events and phases in this undertaking are mentioned below in a simple chart signifier. Gantt chart could non hold accommodated itself on the word papers. Jan.25th, 1999 The major building model of the Dam started in a proper manner. Sep.15th, 2000 The waterproofing of the 22 underside holes for recreation for the discharge of inundation was done. Dec.31st, 2001 The deposition of the concrete in the three gorges Dam was about 4.0638 million M3 ( regular hexahedron ) which was besides a universe record. May 1st, 2002 The Cofferdam was demolished after its intent was fulfilled which was to let a path of Yangtze River to spurt into the base of the Three Gorges Dam which guarded the entry into the chief Three Gorges Dam Project. Oct.21st, 2002 The building of embankment for the inundation discharge was completed Nov. 6th, 2002 The successful building of the recreation tunnel for the flow in the River of Yangtze was completed. Nov. 7th, 2002 The Three Gorges Dam Project entered into the piecing stage because the universe s largest turbine generator was successfully installed into the right place. May 30th, 2003 The three gaps and mercantile establishments meant for the inundation discharge were opened. June 1st, 2003 Five staged Ship locks and two manner lanes were activated and started their map of hive awaying H2O. You read "The Chinese Three Gorges Programme Environmental Sciences Essay" in category "Essay examples" June 16th, 2003 The five staged ship locks and the two manner lane were put into test of pilotage. July 10th, 2003 Another set of Power coevals unit was installed along with the grids and its started bring forthing electricity. Aug. 18th, 2003 The 3rd set of power bring forthing unit was connected and started bring forthing power. Nov. 22nd, 2003 The chief and the no.1 power unit was installed and configured and started electricity coevals Jan. 9th, 2004 The undertaking of Three Gorges Dam entered into the 3rd stage of Construction during which the largest ship lifter, the right bank of the dike, the power station was built which were universe s largest. Apr. 30th, 2004 Another no. 7 power coevals unit was connected with the left side of Power station and started operation. July 8th, 2004 The five staged ship locks and the two manner lanes were officially opened after traveling through the test period of pilotage July 26th, 2004 Another set up of the power coevals unit, no. 11 was installed and brought to functional degree. Aug.24th, 2004 Another set up of the power coevals unit, no. 08 was installed and brought to functional degree. Dec.28th, 2004 The electricity power works which supplies to the Shanghai starts its operations in the metropolis of Yidu in state of Hubei. Sep.16th, 2005 In one twelvemonth in front to the building agenda in bring forthing electricity, the Fourteen ( 14 ) Machgrs connected to the dike through side bank starts its operations. Feb.10th, 2006 The execution of the glade work at the underside of the dike started. March 29th, 2006 The formal building period of the dike started May 20th, 2006 With the support of human resource and pecuniary aid, the Three Gorges Dam was fundamentally completed. Sep 25th, 2007 The H2O degree had risen to 512 pess about, had passed the recession because of inundation and enters 2007. Oct.29th, 2008 All the hydropower bring forthing workss were put into actions and generated powers which in sum were 26 units. The last one being the no. 15 unit was besides installed into the right bank of the dike. This was the last of the power units to be installed in the dike Aug.29th, 2009 The 3rd stage of the Three Gorges Dam Project was checked and accepted, that was to raise the H2O degree to 175 metres, at the ideal tallness. Sep.15th, 2009 The full usage of the dike being flood control, H2O path, and power coevals, all was brought to working phase. ( Three Gorges Dam Timeline ) Purposes and Aims of Three Gorges Project While analyzing the benefits that would be derived from the completion of some undertaking, particularly undertakings like building a big dike, it is of import that its societal impacts should besides be studied before manus. For comparing the wakes of the undertakings it s vitally of import that the former societal state of affairs should be known. And by ciphering the possible hazard of ruins, societal impacts could be measured. There can be positive effects excessively ; those will be counted as benefits. The major purposes targeted through this undertaking were: Flood control Flood control was the first motivation for the Three Gorges Dam program. Chinese files demonstrated that 200 plus major inundations, on norm about one per every ten old ages, happened between 185 BC and 1900 AD. Floods had an impact on the economic system every bit good, the loss which took topographic point due to monolithic impact on the markets. ( Ministry of Water Resources of Peoples Republic of China, 1994 ) . The storage capacity of the TGD, that is 39.3 billion M3s, over half that was 22.15 billion M3 was fixed and was supposed to be used for inundation control, which permitted China to decrease the impact of lay waste toing inundations from degrees predicted one time every ten old ages to those predicted one time a century (, 2004 ) . Power Coevals The 2nd but non less of import factor which was the ground for the building of this undertaking of Three Gorges Dam was the monolithic power production. The power supply in China has seen major short of supply in past few old ages and hence one of the main grounds for which the completion of this undertaking was anticipated was 18.2 million KW end products, which besides made this Dam as the largest power production unit in this universe. This addition in the China s electric supply will give a encouragement to the lifting growing degree of China s economic system. And in approaching old ages it is predicted that China s power supply will augment more. ( Albert,1998 ) Increase in Navigation The 3rd ground towards which this undertaking targeted and achieved was the addition in the H2O paths. The Three Gorges Dam allowed the Pacific Ocean watercourse into Chongquing metropolis. This addition in the navigability affected the economic system in a positive mode, conveying new opportunities of occupations, callings in the countries where economical encouragement was needed. ( Albert, 1998 ) Handiness of fresh H2O Last but non least, handiness of fresh H2O to the indigens in the nearby country for the intent of irrigation and cultivation every bit good as for the imbibing intent. The wages that will be gained from the Three Gorges Dam Project are of import and will hold lasting, constructive impacts on the economic system of China. From an economic point of position, the Three Gorges Dam is a dramatic, utile enlargement pick that in add-on has the chance to assist society in footings of security, well-being, and overall value of life. ( Marta A ; Jordi, 2006 ) The production of energy in itself was such a immense factor that all the negative points against the building of Three Gorges Dam were neglected but however critics raised their voices and made some issues related to environmental jeopardies, cultural heritage, and population relocations etc. some of the negative impacts caused by the three Gorges Dam are discussed below. Control A ; Distribution System Other Dams Chemistry for Stability Power Grid Pollution Generator No and Type Problem Silt Electric Resource Surrounding Geography Concrete Granite Cement Structural REQS Base Layer Stability A ; Tectonic Plate Movement Dam Structure Reservoir A ; Dam Weight Water Resource Deluging Stabilize Concrete Remission Water Quality Flood Control Lift/Lock Navigation Other Dams Irrigation ( Figure 1 A relational web map of the physical constituents of the dike undertaking ) Negative impact of the Three Gorges Dam Project The World Commission on Dams in their study have clearly said that buildings of really big dikes have negative affects on the environment. In their study of World Commissions on Dam, they have discussed some of the common jeopardies like consequence on the wildlife in woods, emanation of unsafe gasses like nursery gas, bad impact on marine life, formation of wetlands and inauspicious affects on the quality of H2O due to the accretion of H2O from different dikes. ( Peter, 2008 ) Resettlements and Relocation of Population Another point of contention that took topographic point in the building of Three Gorges Dam is that whenever a Dam of such a magnitude is constructed, big relocation of population takes topographic point and same happen in the instance of Three Gorges Dam. In the start is was estimated that 1 million to 2 million of population has to be relocated, but the existent figure was ne’er confirmed, some say 1.2 million were to be shifted, though more than 1 million people were resettled during the building stage of the Dam. Another facet to the resettlement and relocation was the psychological and societal affect on the population who were to be relocated and hence a batch of community oriented critics were against this undertaking. ( Marta A ; Jordi, 2006 ) Damage to the Landscape and Cultural Heritage Another factor which was raised as a inquiry in the affair of Three Gorges was the alteration in the natural landscape of that topographic point. The degree of reservoir had its impact on the archeological sites and the topographic points counted as antediluvian ruins. The disposal looking after the building of the Three Gorges Dam said they would seek to salvage the cultural heritage every bit much as possible. The Success-Failure Analysis of the Undertaking The Three Gorges Dam undertaking would be considered as a Success despite a batch of negative impact that it has caused because this undertaking achieved for what it set out as marks. The technology and the managerial section of the Three Gorges Dam were implementing a systematic attack in their Transporting out this undertaking. They all were known and good cognizant of the problems and jeopardies in building this big dike and make fulling it with H2O. Like any other large building undertaking will hold some cost and benefits to it, the Three Gorges Dam besides did hold some cost and benefits. ( Peter, 2008 ) The Iron Triangle To mensurate the success of this undertaking, the theoretical account of Iron Triangle will be used. Iron Triangle is the traditional and Orthodox manner of mensurating the success of any undertaking yet this is the most widely used theoretical account for this intent. The Fe trigon is besides referred to as the Project direction trigon. Like any other undertaking and like Fe trigon step, a undertaking has its ain restraints which can be clip, cost and range. ( Wikipedia ) The Fe trigon constitutes three success standards which are Cost, Time and Quality. Time Quality Cost ( Figure 2: The Iron Triangle ) Cost of the Three Gorges Dam Project The Undertaking cost was about 180 billion Yuan, which was about 12 % under budget which makes around 30 billion USD. The lessening in the cost of the undertaking was non due to the less disbursement ; instead it was due to the low rising prices rate in China. The resettlement of the population of the nearby countries of the dike cost around 68.557 billion Yuan, which has besides been included in this entire cost. Construction wise, this undertaking has non proved to be an expensive undertaking because the building cost incurred on this undertaking of Three Gorges Dam was 64.613 billion Yuans and the full return of the cost from the coevals of power is predicted in following 10 old ages. The approximative power coevals expected to be generated from this Three Gorged Dam is 1000 TW/h. ( Marta A ; Jordi, 2006 ) The over all clip span that this undertaking took was 17 ( 17 ) old ages, but till eleventh ( 11th ) twelvemonth merely, funding were required because after that the undertaking became self sufficient and generated financess from the power supply of the few power units installed by so. So merely for fist 11 ( 11 ) old ages, financess were needed. Beginnings of Fundss The beginnings of financess included the Construction Fund of Three Gorges Dam, grosss from the Gezhouba Dam, loans taken and granted from the China Development Bank, and foreign commercial Bankss, bonds natured corporate, and net incomes before and after the start of the operational activities of the dike. The over all Directors utilized the financess allocated for the undertaking really good and completed the undertaking in the lesser sum than expected or was predicted. Time of the Three Gorges Project The clip span of the Three Gorges Dam was planned in these 17 Old ages, the complete break-up of the agenda was pre planned harmonizing to the old ages. They planned for the readying and the first phase building to be completed in five ( 5 ) old ages that is from 1993-1997, so 2nd phase of building was scheduled to acquire finished in six ( 6 ) old ages, from 1998-2003 which got its milepost on clip and entered into the 3rd stage of its building and completed that in six ( 6 ) old ages excessively till 2009 and came into functional. Previously the targeted twelvemonth to finish the undertaking was 2008 but so it was rescheduled and 2009 was decided and it git finished in 2009. ( Henry et al.. , 2004 ) Quality of the Three Gorges Project The quality of the undertaking was checked and approved at each measure, despite the big graduated table and the difficult proficient and societal confronts directed by the Three Gorges Dam, the applied scientists of China were able to suppress the obstructors at each phase of the undertaking. A batch unfavorable judgment was done on this undertaking of Three Gorges Dam and a batch inquiries were raised, but these unfavorable judgments did non travel in vain as at each phase and degree, the directors took actions against each affair and resolved the issue by taking steps against them and implementing the controlled program in the building. ( Henry et al.. , 2004 ) Until now there haven Ts been any studies of the slits or minor alterations in the substructure of the Three Gorges Dam, which shows that the dike has possible to bear the H2O degree which is maintained in it and was constructed for. Recommendations Whatever the graduated table or degree of the undertaking was, there is ever a infinite between flawlessness and the existent degree of work. In the undertaking of Three Gorges Dam, the decision makers have taken attention of the Time, Cost and quality but the conservationists who had issues sing the unsafe effects on the certain species of the fish found in the Yangtze river were put to hazard. There might hold been some possible manner to avoid that ecological devastation and the jeopardies caused in the environment. The cost of affects caused on the environment was excessively high. Therefore a batch of critics think that the undertaking of Three Gorges Dam from the start was a incorrect determination, nevertheless I would instead reason that despite that fact that it caused environmental devastation, it has given china a manner to turn out to the universe that they, with the biggest Dam in the universe are ready to go the 2nd biggest ace power in the this century. China is on its manner for its finish. Decision The celebrated and universe renowned Three Gorges Dam of China has quickly achieved its decision. This undertaking of Three Gorges dike, had a immense aggregation of peripheral developmental strategy along with it, comprised the main H2O supply enlargement in the past history of world. As happens with any other cardinal building programs that well changes or amends a watershed, this undertaking of the Three Gorges Dam had of import costs and payback. Among the most major wages were the production of energy without nursery gas releases, developments in pilotage, and possible lessening in inundation dangers. Among the most notable costs were immense supplantings of 1000000s of Chinese people to do path for the dike and H2O reservoir, farther environmental sordidness of the River of Yangtze s ecology and piscaries, a bead in deposit touching the Eastern China Sea, and a lifting hazard of new avalanche and reservoir persuaded seismicity. Over old ages, the overall benefits and net income s of the undertaking would go more obvious. How to cite The Chinese Three Gorges Programme Environmental Sciences Essay, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Disscuss the Contingency Approach to Management free essay sample

The contingency, or situational, approach to management theory and practice emerged in the early 1960s from organizational research conducted in the United States and England. With the arrival of the sixties came the expansion of markets based not on the introduction of new products but rather on the differentiation of existing products. Consumers were demanding more variety in the products they purchased. With consumer demand becoming more diversified, so did the types of organizations that were being founded. In addition, the work force was becoming less blue-collar and more white-collar. Many more workers were being employed in activities that did not directly involve the production of a good, but rather the production of a service. Contingency theory attempts to provide a perspective on organizations and management based on the integration of prior theories. Contingency theory starts with the theme of it depends, arguing that the solution to any one managerial problem is contingent on the factors that are impinging on the situation. For instance, where little variation in materials exists in the production process, it is appropriate to break down the work into highly routine tasks. However, where variation is high, requiring many judgments concerning which material is appropriate and which is not, managers will want to avoid making tasks routine. One of the first applications of contingency theory came from research conducted by two British scholars, Thomas Burns and G.M. Stalker. After studying several industrial firms in England, such as textile mills and electronics manufacturers, they concluded that the appropriate managerial techniques were highly dependent on the kind of task the organization was trying to accomplish. Burns and Stalker identified two organization types: mechanistic, for a task that is routine and unchanging, and organic, for a task that is nonroutine and changing. They discovered that the most successful firms were those that used whichever type was appropriate for a given task. When the task was routine and unchanging (mechanistic), the appropriate managerial approach was to emphasize efficiency, a high degree of specialization, and elaborate procedures for maintaining controls over behavior. On the other hand, when the task was nonroutine and changing (organic), the appropriate approach was to emphasize low job specialization, creativity rather than efficiency, and freedom for workers to control their own behaviors rather than relying on rules and procedures to keep them in line. It is clear that this represents an integration of the classical and behavioral approaches. Other theorists, namely Paul Lawrence and Jay Lorsch and John Child, have enlarged on this perspective and identified contingencies, such as environmental conditions, ownership patterns, strategies, and leadership, as important in assessing the appropriate approach to use in a given situation. One attraction of the contingency approach among theorists and practitioners alike is its situational perspective. Those interested in research issues regarding organization and management can use the contingency perspective to explain why some factors influence situations in one setting but have virtually no influence in another setting. Indeed, one objective of research within the contingency framework is to specify those dimensions and conditions that do affect a situation and those that do not. For the manager, the requirement from the contingency perspective is to identify which technique will, in a particular situation, best contribute to the attainment of organizational goals. For instance, under some circumstances, an authoritarian leadership style may be more appropriate than a leadership style that tries to get workers internally motivated. tuation. While the contingency approach is useful in recognizing that the complexity involved in understanding human and organizational systems makes it difficult to develop universal principles of management, there have been several criticisms of the approach. For one, it has been pointed out that the logical extension of the contingency approach is that all situations are unique. If this is true, then management can be practiced only by intuition and judgment, thereby negating the value of prior knowledge and wisdom. On a research level, contingency theory has been criticized for being atheoretical. One requirement of theory is the ability to test the validity of assumptions by showing that contradictory assumptions do not disprove the theory. In a contingency framework, if contradictory results are obtained, the contingency response would be that the situation is unique or that important dimensions affecting the situation were not tested. Thus, showing that contradictory assumptions disprove the theory would be difficult at best. While these limitations are recognized, we will approach the study of management utilizing the assumptions of contingency theory. We believe that management is a highly complex discipline in both research and practice. We build the approach from previous research and practice and extend the findings to develop an understanding of how contextual, organizational, and human dimensions are integrated. Specifically, we draw ideas from classical management theory regarding the structuring of organizations to increase efficiency and productivity. Behavioral management theory provides knowledge about human needs and motivations that can lead not only to increased productivity but also to enhancement of the working environment. Systems theory serves to identify the context in which organizations operate, thus enabling managers to understand the environment and how the parts, or subsystems, of the organization are interrelated. In addition, we will draw from quantitative management theory for the application of specific tools and techniques that are useful for increasing managerial efficiency and effectiveness. By applying contingency theory to the study of management, you will be able to identify and to solve problems under different situations. You will recognize that the successful application of a technique in one situation does not guarantee success in another. Rather, you will be able to examine each situation in terms of how it is affected by the contextual, organizational, and human dimensions. As a result, your overall ability to correct problems and to become more effective as a manager will increase. Consider the following situation. A shoe manufacturer is faced with decreasing profits. As a manager, this person may conduct a time study from the belief that the decline in profits is due to lower productivity on the part of the workers (classical management theory Classical management theory (Fayol and Urwick) ). The manager may attempt to involve workers more fully in decisions concerning the methods to use in producing the shoes based on the premise that this will motivate workers to produce more (behavioral management theory). Or the manager may establish a committee of sales and production personnel to coordinate the production and distribution of goods under the assumption that large inventories are responsible for the decline in profits (systems theory). Application of a contingency perspective will enable the manager to examine the situation and to determine the cause of decreased profits before a new procedure or program is implemented. Perhaps only one program needs to be implemented, or perhaps all three. However, only through an awareness of all possible solutions to the problem is the manager able to arrive at a correct solution. Contingency theory is designed to provide the manager with the capabilities to examine numerous possible solutions to a problem.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

DNR or Do Not Resuscitate Essay Example

DNR or Do Not Resuscitate Paper DNR or do – not – resuscitate is a recommendation endorsed by a doctor in the patient’s medical record which indicates to the hospital staff that CPR or cardiopulmonary resuscitation should be stopped. The doctor’s order or recommendation is of great importance, while providing life enduring treatment to the patient. It prevents redundant and superfluous treatment to the patient who is dying (Do-Not-Resuscitate (DNR) Orders). Generally, doctors negotiate with patients with regard to possible cardiopulmonary arrest. They also discuss the procedures involved in the CPR and the patient is given a choice of treatment preferences. When a patient fails to take a decision or is incapable of taking decisions then a surrogate on behalf of the patient may take a decision with regard to the treatment preferences. It is the responsibility of the surrogate to take suitable decisions based on the previously expressed preferences of the patient. If the surrogate is ignorant about these preferences, it is essential to take decisions, which are in the best interests of the patient (Do-Not-Resuscitate (DNR) Orders). However, the DNR order of the doctor should not result in the cessation of the entire treatment; it should only effect an avoidance of the exercise of CPR. We will write a custom essay sample on DNR or Do Not Resuscitate specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on DNR or Do Not Resuscitate specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on DNR or Do Not Resuscitate specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The customary treatment methods such as antibiotic administration, treatment for pains, dialysis and the use of ventilators can be continued if so warranted (Do-Not-Resuscitate (DNR) Orders). When CPR becomes futile and if the doctor decides that it is unnecessary then there is no need to provide this treatment to the patient. However, an opportunity is made available to the patient, his family members or any surrogate who acts on behalf of the patient to take a decision regarding the DNR order. The concerted involvement of family members arises due to the doctrine of respect for all people to play a role in decisions, which are very important to the life of the patients. It can also be termed as respect for the autonomy of the person (Do Not Resuscitate Orders). Euthanasia The word Euthanasia has its roots in the Greek word euthantos, which means easy death. It connotes an intentional act of either commission or omission, whose intent is to alleviate unbearable pain or suffering by bringing about the cessation of a person’s life. Most of the terminally ill patients prefer an easy death and such is the aim of soothing and hospital services. Nevertheless, these services would vehemently oppose any attempt to describe them as dispensers of euthanasia (Karen Chaloner, September 5, 2007). A major category of euthanasia is that of voluntary euthanasia, which denotes the use of euthanasia at the request of the terminally ill patient. It can also be defined as accelerating the dying process at the express request of the patient. Some of the moral principles that are alluded to in order to justify voluntary euthanasia are independence, rights and best interests. At present patients have the right to decide whether to accept or reject a course of treatment prescribed by the physician and many people are of the opinion that this principle should encompass the right to make an knowledgeable selection in respect of medically aided termination of life (Karen Chaloner, September 5, 2007). Furthermore, it is hypocritical to permit a passive withholding or withdrawal of treatment, whilst disallowing active measures to end life, because the end result is the death of the patient. In Airedale NHS Trust v.  Bland the House of Lords upheld the doctors’ decision to discontinue the treatment being accorded to Bland who had suffered irreversible brain damage, as a consequence of which he was incapable of feeling anything whatsoever (Airedale NHS Trust v. Bland , 1993). As per law, a doctor can effect euthanasia only by an act of omission. Living Wills The breathtaking advances made by medical technology have not only raised several moral questions, but they have also introduced a number of ethical dilemmas in the task of defining death legally (Frederick). An attempt has been underway to institute a person’s right to die, by the stratagem of living wills. An individual by means of a living will bestows upon either family members or legal figures the right to abandonment of treatment that is indispensable for supporting life. A number of States of the Union in the US have recognized the validity of such living wills, nevertheless there exist several unresolved issues in this regard (Frederick). Hospices Terminally ill patients are treated either at home, the hospitals or in hospices, which are institutions that care for the dying or the incurably ill. The medical professionals in such environments, like the physicians and the thanatologists, have to overcome their personal fear of death so that they can succor the hapless patients (Frederick). Despite the fact that physicians opine that patients should not be told about their imminent death, the general opinion being subscribed to by the public is that such disclosures have to be made to the patient. The fact is that most of the terminally ill patients are aware of the fact that their death is approaching very swiftly (Frederick). It is essential to inform patients about their approaching death, because this helps to do away with unwanted falsehoods and promotes the emergence of genuine thoughts. A terminally ill patient if provided with security and information about impending death will be enabled to meet death with equanimity and dignity. This process can be aided considerably by sympathetic physicians and men of the cloth (Frederick). Palliative care is provided with the objective of providing the patient with symptomatic relief and to improve the quality of life of the patient. Patients suffering from pain, fatigue and GI problems require palliative care. Some of the GI problems are nausea, vomiting, hiccups, cachexia, anorexia, constipation and dysphagia. These symptoms have to be treated carefully in order to ensure quality of life in the case of a dying patient. Patients who are suffering from advanced stages of cancer undergo unbearable pain. Relief and prevention of such pain would result in the improvement of their quality of life. Sometimes, such measures facilitate the person to survive and function normally (Charlton, 2/24/2006). Palliative care, being a medical approach, improves the patients’ quality of life. This approach prevents and alleviates the sufferings of patients with terminal illnesses and their families. Palliative care operates by detecting the disease in early stages, correct assessment and giving treatment to reduce the pain and other related problems whether physical, psychosocial or spiritual in nature (WHO Definition of Palliative Care). Palliative care as a distinguishing care, which is provided to a person suffering from incurable diseases, provides gentle comfort and life support to the patient as well as his family. However, palliative care neither prolongs the life of the patient nor hastens his death. It is mainly aimed to provide the patient with a reduction of pain and other corresponding problems such as depression, stomach upsets, etc. Another objective of palliative care is to help the patient and his family members with clear knowledge of the disease and tranquility of the mind (Information for the General Public). The act of making the patients’ health condition comprehensible to the patients and their family members would enable them to take a decision to either continue or discontinue the CPR treatment. In most cases, the patients and the family members will give their consent for a DNR order. In such cases, a DNR order can be issued by the doctor and it can be cosigned by the attending physician (Do Not Resuscitate Orders). Recommendations It is the right of every patient to obtain palliative sedation for pain, to be provided with sufficient pain and symptom management and to refuse treatment that sustains life. A living will helps to decide upon medical care to be adopted on becoming incapacitated and it also enables the patient to suggest a surrogate to take medical care decisions on his behalf. In respect of Euthanasia, the fact remains that people have the right to make crucial decisions regarding their life and how it should end. Therefore, if a person is terminally ill or incurably sick, he should be allowed to decide whether his life should continue or should be brought to a standstill. The provision of hospice facilities ensures that persons who are terminally ill obtain treatment that mitigates their suffering. Such treatment drastically reduces suffering in the last stages of existence of the terminally ill. The principal objective of all the above enumerated methods is to ensure that the terminally ill patients’ suffering is reduced drastically and that such persons are allowed to depart from this life in a manner that is dignified and to their liking. The major aim of these techniques is to provide the best available medical care for alleviating the suffering of those who are on the brink of death. The family members of these patients have to adopt procedures that are likely to prove most beneficial to the patients.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Outline for a Term Paper

Outline for a Term Paper Outline for a Term Paper Outline for a Term Paper Outline for a term paper is a very important element of term paper writing. Outline should be written before you start writing a term paper.   Outline will help you set the direction for the term paper writing. Using custom term paper writing services, outline is delivered for free!   site unites professional native English writers who are able to help you with term paper writing on any topic!   Our paper writing blog is free and has numerous samples and writing tips. Term Paper Sample: Free Excerpt Part of the downward trend of fertility since 1957 was a result of the compressed fertility of the baby boom. Although it is not known whether today's young couples will have appreciably fewer children than couples born during the Depression years, there are two new facts in the picture today which point toward the probability of smaller families. The first is the continuation of the relationship described by Easterlin between fertility on the one hand and the supply of and demand for labor on the other. The bumper crops of babies are now maturing and swelling the ranks of job seekers and their competitive position is much less favorable than that of their counterparts in the late forties who entered the labor force in small numbers in a rapidly expanding economy. The second factor is the Pill. There is absolutely no evidence that the advent of the Pill initiated the decline in fertility; quite the contrary, the trend was evident for several years before the Pill was used by enough women to have made any substantial impact. But by 1964 this was no longer the case and by 1969 perhaps as many as a third of married couples were using this sophisticated contraceptive. The significance of the use of this method goes beyond its high degree of effectiveness in preventing unwanted fertility. The fact of its popularity among the young means that couples are adopting this method before, as well as early in, marriage, they are developing the contraceptive habit soon enough that increasing proportions of young couples are making decisions about first and second births that were formerly left to chance. This means not only that the length of time between births is increased, but also that the attitudes of successful family planning may be carried over into the later childbearing years. Moreover, an important by-product of postponing early childbearing is that it exposes the woman more to alternative interests potentially competitive with the mother role, such as working; this should also operate to reduce fertility further. One additional observation about the near future is also in order. Not only is research on new improved contraception progressing rapidly but the possibility of legalized abortion throughout the country seems closer at this moment than it has ever been closer indeed than anyone would have guessed even a year or so ago. And if that happens, as it well may, the fertility rate will undoubtedly decline further if the level of unwanted births has remained at anything like the rate estimated for the early 1960's. Term Paper Help Online Term paper writing service is qualitative help.   Using custom term paper assistance, you get a number of free pages: outline, cover page, and references.   Our educated writers can handle virtually any topic and they are never late with paper delivery!   Our term paper writing services are affordable.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Insurance Theory and Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Insurance Theory and Practice - Essay Example Renewal rates were lower in 2006 than 2005 as the industry responds to greater competition from a number of sources. In addition, rates have stabilised because the industry's capital base has been restored thanks to internal profits after a low level of catastrophes in 2006 and 2007. Catastrophe bonds: A catastrophe bond issued through special purpose reinsurance vehicle (SPRV) is a specialized security that increases insurers' ability to provide insurance protection by transferring the risk to bond investors. Industry loss warranty contract (ILW): Unlike traditional reinsurance, where the reinsurer pays a portion of the primary company's losses according to an agreed upon formula, the ILW is triggered by an agreed-upon industry loss. Side car: Simple agreements that allow a reinsurer to transfer to another reinsurer or group of investors, such as hedge funds, a limited and specific risk, such as the risk of an earthquake or hurricane in a given geographic area over a specific period of time. Federal and State Catastrophe Funds: Many are calling for government-backed programs to assume some of the financial risk associated with natural disasters. 1.4 Post-September 11 and Natural Catastrophes The terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center accelerated premium rate higher and insurers started looking accumulation-of-loss viewpoint in addition to traditional considerations, particularly in areas that may be terrorism targets. Hurricanes also have their toll on reinsurance. After Hurricane Andrewit it became clear that U.S. insurers had seriously underestimated the extent of their liability for property losses in a mega disaster. Reinsurers subsequently reassessed their position, which in turn caused primary companies to reconsider their catastrophe reinsurance needs. 2. Reinsurance "Reinsurance is a means by which an insurance company can protect itself against the risk of losses with other insurance companies" (Wikipedia). Individuals and corporations obtain insurance policies to provide protection for various risks (hurricanes, earthquakes, lawsuits, collisions, sickness and death, etc.). Reinsurers, in turn, provide insurance to insurance companies. Reinsurance is a type of risk management involving transfer of risk from insurer to the reinsurer. What that reinsurer does is to provide insurance for the insurers on the basis of a contract of indemnity. It works like this - the insurer gives the reinsurer a portion of the premium it collects from the insured and in return is covered for losses. A reinsurer enters into a

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

GENETIC & Molecular BIOLOGY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

GENETIC & Molecular BIOLOGY - Essay Example The female horse has 64 diploid chromosomes and 32 chromosomes in her haploid gametes. This results in two gametes, male (31 haploids) + female (32 haploids) equals 63 diploid chromosomes in the offspring. It is important to note that the mule (generation 1 hybrid offspring of horse and ass) is not able to produce offspring. The reason for this is that the horse has 18 acrocentric autosomes while the ass has 11. This vast difference in number of acrocentric and met centric chromosomes causes a synapsis in of homologues during prophase 1 of meiosis, rendering the mule species infertile and sterile as no viable gametes can be formed. (b) This particular diagram is representative of interphase G2 (right before prophase takes place) of mitosis. This diagram shows the newly developed centrioles, and the beginning of spindle fibers. It also shows the chromosomes just beginning to line up. ( c) This diagram illustrates telophase of mitosis as it shows the beginning of cytokinesis resulting in two daughter cells. The chromosomes are also moving to opposite poles within their respective daughter cells. (1.8) The number of different gametic chromosomal combinations possible in the garden pea (male versus female) where 2n = 14 is . When n=7, one can find the number of possible combinations by using the formula 2^n or in this case 2^7, which is equal to 128. Thus, there are 128 possible different gametic chromosomal combinations in the garden pea. (1.12) In humans, there are 46 pairs of homologous chromosomes. In a human secondary spermatocyte, there are 23 chromosomes. Also in humans, spermatotids contain 23 chromosomes, spermatozoa contain 23 chromosomes and spermatagonia contain 46 chromosomes. (1.14) When looking at corn, we see that corn has a diploid number of 20 and thus a haploid number of 10 or 2n=20( as corn has diploid cells). The first meiotic product would result in a haploid cell with 10

Monday, November 18, 2019

Politics of the Middle East Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Politics of the Middle East - Essay Example The intermediate power in the society such as the landed gentry, the city merchants, the tribal chiefs and others has effectively reduced the power of the state and negatively impacted the modernization (Lewis, p.225) As per the Muslim belief any fight against the belief of their religion is considered as a sacred war (jihad) (The making of a modern terrorist, p.5) Osama bin Laden's dislike against the US started from the occupation of US troops in Saudi Arabia, the holy country of Muslims, to fight against the Iraqis. Occupation of a Muslim country by an infidel superpower, led Osama in declaring holy war against US (Global Studies, 228). Terrorism in the name of Holy war started by Muslim fundamentalists prevented the Muslim community in the gulf region from concentrating in economic growth or modernization processes. The hostility of Muslim world against the US is mainly because of the US foreign policies against the Muslim countries rather than any cultural or religious differences. (Munson, p. 227) A reorientation of American policy in the Palestine-Israeli conflict can definitely bring down the violent forms of anti-American hatred. (Stanley Hoffman, 186) The advancement in communications has forced the Middle East Muslims to reassess their beliefs. The lack of communication with the external world prevented Muslims from identifying the differences between their world and the rest. (Lewis, p.227) The internet technologies provided them an opportunity for self assessment. Most of the youths who studies in western countries have contributed immensely to the changing attitudes of Muslims regarding their fundamentalism. Today's challenges for most developing countries are economic in nature. (Mediterranean Quarterly: p.124) Economic power is as important as military power. The economic power and natural resources of Middle East community has to be streamlined for the growth of their countries rather than developing fundamentalism. In short the Middle East community has immense potential for growth and modernization. But the question is how the international community can make the Muslim community aware of the dangers of terrorism in the name of holy war. Politics of the Middle East 3 Influence of developmental changes in Iraq on my life The changes, whether it is political, economical, cultural or social, happened at one country will affect peoples of other countries as well because of the global nature of the world. The implementation of globalization policies by most of the countries made it absolutely impossible for the people to stay away from developments in other countries. "In Baghdad, Iraqi Ali Rahim told CNN's John Roberts: "If the Democrats win then the American forces will withdraw from Iraq because the Democrats believe they have had a great loss in Iraq and they see it as a second Vietnam "(Simon Hooper). I know very well that the military expenses of the American troops in Iraq is been collected from the tax payers. For the reconstruction activities in Iraq, the U.S. needs to spend billions of dollars, which again should be collected from the US citizens. I think such feelings led the average American citizen vote against the republicans in the recent elections. "In a Gulf War study, the

Friday, November 15, 2019

Special Education Needs, Access and Inclusion

Special Education Needs, Access and Inclusion This assignment will address issues on dyspraxia and how children with this condition are included in mainstream schools. Firstly a brief history of dyspraxia, with some definition of dyspraxia and statistical information on the condition will ne included. Also how dyspraxia affects a child and the childs learning will be considered along side how teachers provide inclusion for children with dyspraxia. Definitions of the word inclusion will be explored, as well as the importance of a SENCO, the role and responsibilities of the SENCO and support that is provided for children with dyspraxia. Finally strategies for supporting children with this condition such as IEPs (individual education plans) will be considered. This section will discuss the history behind dyspraxia and according to BBC (2011) Dyspraxia was documented when Orton (1937, pp72) used the term congenital maladroitness. He recognised that disorders of the actual doing of a task (praxis) resulted in clumsiness. These children were called clumsy children and dyspraxia was known as clumsy child syndrome. In the USA this condition was first given recognition through the work of Strauss and Lehitinen in 1947. There are number of definitions of dyspraxia Addy (2003, p.7) states that the term dyspraxia is taken from the Greek dys meaning ill and praxis meaning doing, acting and practice. Another definition suggested by Tassoni (2003, p205) dyspraxia is a developmental disorder that affects childrens control and co-ordination of movement. Dyspraxia foundation (2011) identifies dyspraxia has an impairment or immaturity of the organisation of movement which leads to associated problems with language, perception and thought. Statistics show that boys are more likely to have dyspraxia than girls but when girls have this condition they are worst hit than boys. According to Macintyre (2001, p.12) boys: girls are affected 4:1 but when girls have the condition, they tend to be more severely affected. It is estimated that dyspraxia affects at least 2% of the general population to some degree. Macintyre (2001, p12) states that eight to ten per cent of children have some degree of dyspraxia. Dyspraxia is difficult to diagnose which is complex situation for teachers to recognise. The reasons for this are that it may get confused with other condition. Macintyre (2001, p.12) point out there is often overlap with another syndrome. Some of the characteristics of children with dyspraxia are they may have difficulty walking, hopping, skipping, throwing and catching a ball, riding a bike. Delay in using spoken language and speech that is difficult to understand. The child may bump into objects due to lack of ordination. Addy (2003, p.11) states that frequently bumps into things. The child may have difficulty in doing fine-motor skills activities such as tying shoelaces or buttoning clothing. They may have difficulty with handwriting. Poor sense of direction and they may find it difficult to organise themselves and their work. The affects of dyspraxia on the child are that speech difficulties can interfere with casual conversation, which can result in social awkwardness and unwillingness to risk engaging in conversation. Writing difficulties such as poor letter formation, pencil grip and slow writing can make school work frustrating. Tassoni (2003, p206) states that older children may find it difficult to produce legible handwriting. The child may have low self-esteem Tassoni (2003, p.208) argues that children with dyspraxia can develop low self esteem. The child may have emotional and behavioural difficulties according to Tassoni (2003, p206) children may show inappropriate behaviour this can be a result of frustration. Other factors that affect children with dyspraxia, the condition can make it difficult for children to develop social skills, and they may have trouble getting along with peers. While they are intelligent, these children may seem immature and some may develop phobias and obsessive behaviou r. However many young people with dyspraxia may also have the added stress of dealing with coordination problems which may be problematic in physical education classes and other sports activities. Addy (2003, p.11) argues that difficulty in physical education relating to hopping, jumping and balancing. The child may have weaknesses in comprehension; information processing and listening can also contribute to the difficulties experienced by people with dyspraxia. Children with dyspraxia may have difficulty planning and completing fine motor skill tasks. There are two vital pieces of legislative frameworks which have been put in practice to improve the opportunities of those with special educational needs. SEN Disability Act 2001 this act gives disabled children the opportunity to go to mainstream schools and be educated. The local education authority will provide information to the parents and children. This has helped because the child has the opportunity to be educated in mainstream school and work with other children without disability. Another document which contributed towards the right of child with special educational needs is the SEN Code of Practice 2001 which should be followed by every school in the UK. It is aimed to strengthen the right of the disabled child to be educated in mainstream schools where it is appropriate. Although there will still be vital roles for special schools. This can be practiced in schools by the teacher giving information to parents if they believe that their child may have difficulties and may need additional support in school, which the parent should confirm if that is fine with them. The teachers should not discriminate the child who has a disability by underestimating their achievement because they are able to achieve anything that the other children can achieve so it is important not to stereotype. The quote that has been used is educators to inform parents when they make special educational provision for children. This has helped because it has given the opportunity for disabled children to go to normal schools also the teacher must ask permission before taking any action such as putting a child on IEPs. Another issue can be the strategies for supporting children with dyspraxia and removing the barrier to inclusion. The child can be put on IEP plan which describes the goals the staff have set for the child for the school year, as well as any special supports that are needed to help achieve these goals. A child who has difficulty learning and functioning and has been identified as a special needs child is the perfect person for an IEP. The identification and assessment depends on the childs needs, a number of specialists may be involved in the assessment plan. These specialists could include a resource teacher, reading clinician, speech-language pathologist and psychologist. Different professionals are qualified to assess different areas of the childs development. For example, a psychologist assesses a childs cognitive ability or potential. A classroom teacher or resource teacher can assess childrens learning skills or how they learn. An assessment may be done for the following reason s to find out whether the child has a special learning need, to identify the childs current capabilities, skills, and needs finally to find out how those special learning needs affect the childs ability to learn and function in school. Statementing is a recognised procedure of intervention amongst the local education authority and the parents it plans to spot the areas of need and find a treatment. The SENCO will take responsibility for this a statement of special educational needs is a document that sets out the childs needs. The child may have a statement for his or her whole school career, or for just a part of it. Through their annual reviews of the childs statement, the LEA may decide that your child can continue to make good progress with the extra help that an ordinary school can provide within the resources generally available to them. The 3 stages leading to statementing are Early Years Action take places if the childs rate of progress is well below what is expected for children of a similar age and it becomes necessary to take some action which is additional to or different from that usually used. The cause for Early Years Action are when a child makes little or no progress even when different teaching approaches have been tried, continues working in certain areas at levels well below that expected of children of a similar age. Early Education Action Plus occurs when, after talking with parents at the meeting where the Individual Education Plan (IEP) is looked at again, a decision is made to ask for help from outside society. When Early Years Action Plus takes place, advice should always be asked of specialists. The cause of Early Years Action Plus are when a child continues to make little or no progress in certain areas and continues working at Early Years Curriculum levels well below that expected of children o f a similar age. Statutory assessment a statutory assessment becomes necessary when the nursery class or school is not able to provide all the support your child needs. But some parents may worry about their child with special educational needs, education and concerns about schooling, including whether special schools or mainstream education are the best option for their child. According to SENDA 2001 this has set out changes to education for children with SEN in England. It also brings access to education within the responsibility of the Disability Discrimination Act, making it unlawful for education providers to discriminate against disabled children. Support groups can help parents who have special needs children because they will have the opportunity to meet people and socialise with them due to their child having special needs condition which will help the parent to rise self esteem and self confidence. Inclusion this is when the children mix freely with each other and are taught in same groups. There are three types of integrations which are location, social and functional. Location integration children are taught on the same site or schools, social integration children meet at lunch time, playtimes, school plays and assemblys finally functional integration the children are mixing freely with each other and are taught in the same groups. More children with disability have the opportunity to go to mainstream school because the SEN and disability act states that the right of a disabled child to be educated in mainstream schools. Teachers and TAs can help to provide inclusion for children with dyspraxia by being sensitive to a pupils limitations and considering how to provide the best chances of success. In PE, for example, positioning can make a big difference. In the classroom, it is often writing that presents the most obvious problems, so the teacher should think about: the pupils sitting position: both feet on the floor, table and chair height appropriate, sloping writing surface may help. Anchoring the paper or book to the table to avoid slipping, providing a cushion (an old magazine, used paper stapled together) to write on. The writing implements the grip (try different sizes of pen and pencil and various types of grips available from LDA); avoid the use of a hard-tipped pencil or pen. The teacher can provide children with opportunities for practising handwriting patterns and letter formation. The teacher can also provide guide-lines to keep writing straight. The teacher can limit the amount of writi ng required by providing ready-printed sheets or alternative means of recording. Teaching keyboard skills and providing alternative keyboards. Macintyre (2001, p.45) state that opportunities for oral reporting or using a computer are often the best ways to prevent good writing. On the other hand the teacher needs to be careful not to discriminate the child by not providing for their needs. This can occur if a child is disabled and the teacher has lowered the childs ability due to his or her condition and not involve the child fully in group discussion. Which can affect the child by losing self esteem and they will feel that he or she has the ability to do much harder work also be upset and feel left out. This can be avoided by the school having a strong equal opportunity policy. There are number of classroom support strategies for helping children with dyspraxia to succeed in schools. Handwriting difficulties the child can practice using multi-sensory letter formation e.g. sandpaper letters, sky writing. The use of pencil grips will help, writing lines, stencils. Difficulty walking in straight line bumps into people and things another problem may be difficulties running, hopping, jumping, catching/kicking balls. Strategies to support the child the teacher can provide balance or wobble boards, walking on the line and hand to hand throwing using bean bags or water-filled balloons. The role and responsibilities of the SENCO is to be responsible for seeing that all children with special educational need are being helped appropriately, ensuring contact with parents and other professionals. Talking to and advising any member of staff who is concerned about a child. Tassoni state that to be able to lead, motivate and inform other member of staff in matters relating to SEN. Ensuring relevant background information about individual children is collected, recorded and up-dated. They should act in a professional and ethical manner with due regard to confidentiality, data protection and human rights. In conclusion dyspraxia is very difficult condition to identify because it may be confused with other conditions. Schools can provide inclusion for children with dyspraxia as long as they change the way they teach children. In my opinion I think that children with dyspraxia are capable of studying in a mainstream school. Whilst doing this assignment it was difficult to find resources on dypraxia.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Improving Our Ability to Make Decisions Essay -- Decision Making Proce

Decision-Making Process: Improving Our Ability to Make Decision Facing a situation, you have to decide. For example, the fire surrounds you: What do you do? Jump through the windows and risk to kill yourself or to wait the firemen and risk to be burned to death if they come to late? Every decision that we make or don’t make shapes our future. Everyone tries to make good decisions. However, it is easy to overlook an important factor, miss a desirable option, or base the decision on unreliable information. In addition, fear of making a wrong choice can cause someone to postpone decisions, leading to miss opportunities. A businessperson must have the ability to make decisions under the pressure of time and circumstances. This ability needs a good knowledge of the decision making process. From a practical point-of-view, of the most important human skills is decision-making. Both at a personal level and in context of organizations, decision-making skill strongly affects the quality of life and success. Decision-making is the process by which a person or group recognizes a choice, gathers information, analyzes the data, and determines the best option to choose. The decision-making process employs high levels of critical thinking skills and problem-solving techniques. Decisions are guided by several factors, primarily the significance of the issue, the impact the decision may have, and the person's or group's morals and cultural norms. For less significant decisions that have little impact, people might not invoke the higher thinking skills that theorists expect (Decision-Making 2015). Flipping a coin, hoping for a miraculous sign, following the crowd, or by passing the responsibility to someone else are all means of making decisions. For more important decisions with gr eater impact, people often employ more advanced thought processes like those demonstrated in decision-making models by social psychologists and behaviorists. Most theories accept the idea that decision-making consists of a number of steps or stages such as improving creativity, critical thinking skills, and problem solving techniques. It is well recognized that routine cognitive processes such as memory, reasoning, and concept formation play a primary role in decision-making (Decision-Making 2015). Leaders know in their gut that creativity and innovation are the life blood of their o... ...d are seldom subject to critical review. As a result, managers frequently have a difficult time improving their decision-making capacity. Good business decisions are the heart of a successful organization. Without a process decisions may be made by the most powerful or influential person in the group or not made at all. Good decision-making is a balance between getting the most of what we want with as little risk as possible. It means that we include the right people and use a process that encourages participation while keeping or focus clearly on the decision at hand. This allows people to make the decision with a high degree of confidence and efficiency. Works Cited:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Critical Thinking Skills. (2015). Web. March 7, 2015 Decision-Making. (2015). Web. March 7, 2015 Problem Solving and Decision Making. (2015). Web. March 8, 2015 Tubbs, S.L. (2004) A Systems Approach to Small Group Interaction. New York: McGraw-Hill Publishing Corporation. Welch, D. (2001). Decisions, Decisions: The Art of Effective Decision Making New York State. Prometheus Books.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Manufacturing and Packaging Line

CASE ANALYSIS MEMO – SESSION 06 Keurig 2012. 11. 07 Entrepreneurial Management Dr. Sean M. Hackett Waseda Business School, MBA Fall, 2012 Panjapol wariratanaroj (pe)– #35112329-5 JOanna chen (joanna)– #35112318-7 li wei– #35122327-5 kemal SADULLAYEV (kemal)– #35129403-1 Gaetano d’imprima (tano)– #35129755-8 I. Identify/Define the Key Issues/Situation Analysis A. Key issues that will impact Keurig to survive, thrive and grow †¢ Strong bargaining power from a supplier: MTS, being the only supplier for the K-Cup packaging line, has a control over the machine.Having no substitution plan in place, Keurig is forced to follow MTS’s request to fulfill the K-Cup manufacturing capacity. †¢ Difficult to ‘reverse engineer’ the manufacturing technology: despite the alternatives of having new K-Cup suppliers, there is no assurance that the new suppliers could complete the project on-time and on-budget as the learning cu rve is hard to be built at an initial stage. †¢ Delays in the full roll-out of the new coffee brewing system: delays in manufacturing lines (both K-Cup’s production and brewing machines) caused a subsequent delay in distributing goods to consumers.Thus, it created risk of losing market opportunity to other competitors. B. Critical Success Factors †¢ Quality of the final product: despite marketing efforts and distribution channels, if either the final product (coffee) tastes bad or the brewer does not perform well, it can’t be sold. †¢ Consistent and sufficient funding prior to the product launch: in order to create an impact to the coffee market, the large amount of funding is required to support the operations. Ability to bring a brewer’s price down in a consumer segment while keeping the good quality product: considering the high quality coffees, people are more likely to purchase a less expensive household version especially at a supermarket or grocery, which has the highest percentage for buying locations. II. Mobilize Strategic Choices A. Choice 1 – Work with multiple packaging line manufacturers at the same time and take advantage of the brewer that would take Keurig more seriously – Pilla. 1. Significance of choice 1 †¢ The supplier in less favorable financial situations is more likely to pay attention to Keurig’s needs.In this case, Pilla also possesses the capability to support the brewer production. †¢ Keurig can prepare Pilgrim and Quantum for future production while MTS is currently manufacturing the K-Cup packaging lines. This will cover the delay time needed by Pilgrim and Quantum to deliver future productions. †¢ More risk averse, multiple suppliers will decrease Keurig’s dependency on suppliers. Delivery time and costs can be more efficiently managed. Also, Keurig can observe suppliers’ efficiencies before deciding the major supplier. †¢ Multiple packagin g lines can provide larger supply of K-cups for future expansion. . Reasons why choice 1 may not be optimal †¢ More price negotiations and work in progress varied by suppliers. Also, the working procedures may be different and buyers-suppliers relationship may be more complexed.†¢ The standard of the final products can be varied by suppliers due to a slight difference in manufacturing capability and technology. †¢ The financially unstable suppliers can be unreliable. For example, they may be in risk of facing bankruptcy, or they may lower SG&A expenses and it will affect the operations. B. Choice 2 – Continue cooperation with MTS and change brewer to Pilla . Significance of choice 2 †¢ Does not waste time on searching for alternative packaging line manufacturers. Hence, avoid the time to be consumed by ‘reverse engineering’ process. †¢ MTS already has experience in making the first packaging line. Moreover, the product quality delivered b y MTS is already known and acceptable. †¢ Good communication with MTS would ensure on-time delivery of future packaging lines. †¢ Enjoy cost-benefits from possibility of lower price from Pilla. 2. Reasons why choice 2 may not be optimal †¢ MTS still have very large bargaining power for future productions.Thus, the cost for K-Cup packaging line activities could be driven up significantly. †¢ Pilla, being financially insecure, can be a risk for the roll-out schedule in case there is a problem in the manufacturing processes as it links to the packaging line. †¢ Single packaging line supplier and brewer means lower production capacity compared with Choice 1, this would limit Keurig’s future expansion plans to go into the consumer market. C. Choice 3 Internalize brewer production and work with multiple packaging line suppliers 1. Significance of choice 3 Keurig will gain more control over the production because it’ll be easier to forecast production capacity and there’ll be more inventory control. †¢ Kuerig already have the people and the capabilities that it needs.†¢ Finally gaining the learning curve: product brewers will help Keurig to reduce its production costs and thanks to this reduction it’ll be easier to sell more brewers to distributors at less price and less defected products. †¢ Working with multiple suppliers on the packaging line side will give them less bargaining power making us more â€Å"independent†. 2. Reasons why choice 3 may not be optimal A big amount of investment required in terms of money to internalize the production †¢ Keurig need to buy new assets and it will need time to set-up the production in the new factory. †¢ Keurig will face the risks concerning the manufacturing activity. III. Recommend a Specific Strategic Choice Recommendation: . Choice 1 – Work with multiple packaging line manufacturers at the same time and take advantage of the brewe r that would take Keurig more seriously – Pilla. 1. Keurig will be much more independent and it’ll not face again another situation as those encountered with Vandelay and MTS.This choice, even if could be risky at the beginning due to possible delays in the delivery of the complete brewer system (K-cup+Brewer), will ensure Keurig not to rely too much to only one supplier with a lot of bargaining power. 2. Relying on many suppliers will give Keurig much more control over their suppliers’ prices, unleashing a competition between them to gain more and more orders. It’ll also help Keurig to draw up more precise budgets and business plans that will not be affected by suppliers’ whims. 3. Thinking on a future expansion, Keurig need to find new suppliers who can easily support the capacity it needs. Risks/Limitations: . Even if it is a good time to find new suppliers, the moment is very risky because we have a schedule that we need to respect to start bui lding the company reputation.Delays and other on-the-road problem with the new suppliers could be fatal for Keurig. 2. Some of the new suppliers suffer financial problems that, if not solved, can surely affect Keurig. A. Recapitulation of why this choice is the right recommendation We have a marketing plan that can be fulfilled only if everything on the supply side goes as it was supposed to. In order to penetrate the market K-cups will be sold to the Office Manager at a price of 0. 0$, with no charge to the coffee machine. The price of a cup of coffee is higher than our direct competitors but compared to other premium coffee (as Starbucks) the quality is very high and the people who tried our coffee â€Å"loved† it. The wholesale price to the OCS distributors and to the Food Service suppliers will be at 0. 25$ per cup and initially we will give them the machine for free if they buy a certain amount of cups. That’s the real marketing strategy, because distributors play a central role in this industry, so we need to be able to offer (actually fill them up with) machines so they’ll push hard to introduce it inside the market.The free machine plus high margin (100%) per K-Cup will help us penetrate the market. However to do so we need an efficient supply chain that could grow with us and not take advantage of us. We need to take the risk and diversify our suppliers so we will be able to give our machines for free to distributor. We also need to get ready with our capacity for when the demand will grow. We can’t manage such changes in our business plan if we are to haggle with insolent suppliers.

Friday, November 8, 2019

buy custom Discrimination During the Hiring Process Essay Sample

buy custom Discrimination During the Hiring Process Essay Sample Discrimination During the Hiring Process Introduction The contemporary society comprises a diverse mix of individuals characterized by different ethnic affiliation, race, religious views, color, and sex. These variations are caused by the intense movement of people from one country, region, or continent to the other in search for education, settlement and employment opportunities. Therefore, modern societies are characterized by diverse culture. In such a situation, employment opportunities may be affected by discrimination. Employment discrimination is illegal and extremely immoral; it violates social and human principles and values. It is described as the act of overlooking certain recruits during a job selection process based on their sex, color, race, ethnicity, marital status, disability, or religion. Despite ample criticism and venom being directed at such actions, discrimination during hiring process for employment is still practiced and is often overlooked by upper management of the hiring organization. The paper will delineate areas where discrimination is evidenced in the hiring process.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

U.S presidential candidates essays

U.S presidential candidates essays Comparing the two presidential candidates for the year 2004 can be a bit difficult for the simple reason that the President and Senator disagree practically on all the issues. The main issue that President Bush and Senator Kerry have been debating about the most is the war on terror. The Bush campaign has the advantage that Kerry is not too proud of his voting record and they have used that against him. While on the other hand, the Kerry campaign recently received good news when the report compiled by Charles Duelfer, chief U.N. weapons inspector, was released saying that Saddam Hussein did not in fact possess weapons of mass destruction. With the third and final debate between the two presidential candidates now over, the stakes are high. Still there is only one candidate that will have the chance to occupy the president's chair in the White House, and the one who fits it best is George W Bush. Bush has a voting record to be proud of while Kerry has been categorized by the Bush administration as a "flip-flopper". Kerry now says he is against the war when he supported the president's decision to invade Iraq by voting for the war. The thing that might hurt Kerry the most is that after voting for the war, he voted against federal funding for the troops in Iraq! One thing that both Bush and Kerry agree on is that the stakes could not be any higher. With elections so close at hand, this race looks to be a tough and good one! ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Lesson Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Lesson Study - Essay Example The process of Lesson Study can be categorized under four stages, which are unique to this methodology and also cater to the improvement if student achievement in school curriculum; while promoting a detailed analyses of the subject matter as well. The stages are as follows: This stage consists of a study of the academic curriculum, by weighing the topics and subject matter of study. In addition to this, the authorities and teachers also keep in mind the futuristic interests of the students and the betterment of the quality of education transmitted. On doing this, they formulate the goals for this methodology. This stage comprises of the planning for the research that comes along with this methodology of instruction. It included analyzing the comprehension and absorption levels of students. Based on this, the extent of data collection, the mode fo collecting it and the plan of action to carry forward the approach is planned and scheduled. This method is the actual practical component of this methodology of Lesson Study, wherein one of the teaching faculty members

Friday, November 1, 2019

Riordan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Riordan - Essay Example The decrease in profits is due to poor inventory control and lack of effectiveness in the manufacturing process. Besides, Riordan has a goal of reaching a $50 million revenue mark in the next two years it will take the best and most up-to-date software available to ensure the inventory is properly kept and improve the manufacturing process. Improving the manufacturing process can enhance product quality, reduce manufacturing costs, and increase efficiency. The best way to improve the manufacturing process is to automate the inventory system. Currently, the system in place is as follows. Firstly, the raw materials are removed out of inventory. The manufacturing staff then completes an inventory worksheet that indicates the type of materials removed from the inventory and informs the inventory clerk, who enters the information into the inventory system. Next, the manufacturing process begins. The manufacturing team completes the form throughout the manufacturing process. Lastly, when the finished goods have been completed, the inventory clerk is given the inventory for the final product and enters it into the system. (Riordan Manufacturing, Virtual Organization, 2004) A more accurate and efficient way to input inventory is to install a computer at each station

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

GLUT4 glucose transporter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

GLUT4 glucose transporter - Essay Example The generalised form of this reaction is written as follows There are three types of sugar transporters that carry sugars across the plasma membrane in to the cells. First are the energy independent facilitated diffusion transporters such as the glucose transporters family(GLUT) of hexose transporters seen in yeast and in mammalian cells. These proteins are encoded by SLC2A genes(solute carriers 2A). Second are the energy dependent transporters for example sodium dependent glucose transporters(SGLT) encoded by SLC5A genes in the intestine and in kidney epithelial cells. The third type of transporters couple ATP dependent phosphorylation with sugar import and are seen in bacteria. This family of glucose transporters were first discovered in yeast where 18 genes have been identified. Humans have 14 GLUT homologs. All of the yeast glucose transporters are of the same size(40-55 Kilodaltons) and have similar structures containing 12 membrane spanning domains. These domains form a barrel with a small pore for the sugar to pass through. The only "sugar transport signatures" are a few widely scattered glycine and tryptophan residues and one PET tri-peptide sequence The elevated levels of blood sugar and amino acids that occur following a meal signal pancreatic beta cells to release insulin into the bloodstream. Once in the vascular system, circulating insulin markedly enhances glucose transport into skeletal muscle and adipose tissue, the peripheral sites responsible for the majority of postprandial glucose disposal. In response to insulin, glucose enters muscle and fat cells through aqueous pores formed by the glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4) protein. GLUT4 is the fourth of 13 members of a family of facilitative sugar transporters and is the only iso-form that is widely accepted as being insulin-responsive. Like other GLUT family members, GLUT4 is a 12 trans-membrane protein; unlike most other isofoms, GLUT4 is predominantly localized to intracellular compartments in the basal state. Activation of the insulin receptor triggers a large increase in the rate of GLUT4 vesicle exocytosis and a concomitant decrease in the rate of endocytosis. This insulin-dependent shift in GLUT4 vesicle trafficking results in a net increase of GLUT4 protein at the cell surface, thus allowing glucose to enter target cells. Once