Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Reporting live from tomorrow Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Reporting live from tomorrow - Essay Example However, all the plants, animals and human beings depend on water. It means that the food chain will be broken. It is believed that communities which are faithful to God, especially through prayers, always receive frequent rainfalls. This is because God shows His love for them by providing them with adequate water (Gilbert 214). However, communities who do not live righteously experience a lot of drought because that is away of God’s punishment. Most environmental analysts have in recent times argued that weather patterns are changing. This is because there have been a lot of environmental pollution. The pollution have been thought to be as a result of industrialization. However, some communities believe that weather patterns are changing because God is not happy, by the way men have turned into their sinful ways. According to recent reports, most people do not go to church. In addition, it is believed that some men have started worshipping Satan. In regards to this, God has not been able by the way men have turned their back on Him. It is also believed that, the level of sea level is rising. According to most scientist, the rise in sea level is caused by environmental pollution which in turn affect the ozone layer. The ozone layer, then will allow ultra violet rays to pass through to the atmosphere (Gilbert 215). It is this unregulated sunlight that melts the ice on top of mountains which then results in increase of sea level. However, for some communities, this is not true. This is because they believe that God is punishing mankind for disobeying Him. It has also been thought that some of the natural calamities that have befallen men such as earth quakes and earth tremors are signs of God’s hunger. In connection to this, unless mankind repent and asks for forgiveness God will continue punishing man through various ways. According to most medical experts, death rates have been increasing and also

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