Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Interaction of Ethnic, National or Cultural Influences Essay Example for Free

Interaction of Ethnic, National or Cultural Influences Essay All around the world people are organised in societies differentiated ethnically, nationally and culturally. In our mind under the interethnic relations are traditionally understood subjectively experienced relations between people of different nationalities, between ethnic communities, which are manifested in attitudes and orientations of interethnic contacts in various areas of cooperation, national stereotypes, attitudes and behavior, and the actions of people of specific ethnic communities. It is in this area in the first place are projected economic, social and political issues. They acquire an ethnic form and deliver a lot of trouble to society, leading to inter-ethnic tensions, local ethnic conflicts, the growth of ethnic migrations. Ethnic tensions, the state of hostility, distrust, mutual complaints and dissatisfaction arises or may arise from time to time between any nations that are permanently or temporarily in contact with each other. Ethnic tensions depend on several factors: 1) The history of international relations, the historical memory of the nature of relations between the peoples at different stages (often these relationships take the form of ongoing ethnic tension); 2) the level of economic development of the parties, among representatives of different nations’ place in the system of production and property (industrial specialization, predominance of members of certain nationalities in professional and social groups, the dominance of different forms of ownership, quality of life, etc.); 3) the structure of the cultural development of the nation the predominance of rural or urban population, the level of education and professional qualifications. There are allocated the following phenomena and processes that significantly affect the formation and strengthening of interethnic tension: 1) the lack of a consistent policy of condemnation and suppression of national manifestations of violence; 2) the possibility of negative attitudes towards representatives of the people associated in the eyes of other nations with the administrative-command apparatus; 3) the position of people who have been persecuted and mass deported during the repression, particularly those that have not been returned to their places of origin; 4) a sense of national enmity against those nationalities that, in terms of population in many regions, live better than we do. These representations are caused by a variety of reasons, including the identification of the people with the most frequently identified by its representatives. According to M. Walzer, positive ethnic identity is a balance of tolerance for their own and other ethnic groups, which allows us to consider it, on the one hand, as a condition of an independent and stable existence of an ethnic group, on the other as a condition of peaceful intercultural multi-ethnic world, interactions, excluding ethnic phobias and confrontation. According to N. M. Lebedeva on ethnic tolerance, defined as the adoption of ethno-cultural differences, and the exclusion of ethnophobia and ethnic confrontations have effects such socio-psychological factors as: 1) the degree of ethnic and cultural competence; 2) psychological readiness for intercultural dialogue; 3) The experience and skills of intercultural understanding and cooperation. All these parameters are amenable to the formation and development and in need of professional development by education and socio-psychological training of intercultural interaction. Violation of a positive image of their own group tends to reduce ethnic tolerance (YA Gayurova, TG Stefanenko, AN Tatarko, FM Malhozova). 9/11 After Twins being attacked Americans stopped helping Irish Republican Army (IRA Nationalist violent group in Northenr Ireland) when they understood what the terrorism is and what the causes and result are. After the terrorist attacks marked a surge of crimes against people from the Middle East, and other people who looked similar. Suffered even some Sikhs who wear turbans, traditionally associated with Muslims. Reported insults,attacks on mosques and other religious buildings (including the burning of a Hindu temple), and attacks on people, including one murder, September 15, was mortally wounded by Balbir Singh Sodhi, a Sikh who was mistaken for a Muslim. [130] Rating of President Bush after the attacks rose to 86%. [131] September 20, 2001 the President spoke to the nation and a joint session of Congress, regarding the events of 11 September, following the rescue and recovery operations, as well as the response of the U. S. governments intentions. In addition, the important role played by New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who deserved the appreciation of the public, both in New York and at the national level. Deportations 1941 in USSR. After the publication of the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR On the resettlement of Germans living in the Volga region of 28 August 1941 has been eliminated Autonomous Republic of the Volga Germans and produced total deportation of Germans from ASSR. For this purpose, in advance on the territory of the Autonomous Republic of NP were introduced NKVD troops. Germans were ordered within 24 hours to prepare for resettlement and a limited number of its assets to arrive at the collection points. German inhabitants of the republic were taken to remote areas of Siberia, Kazakhstan and Central Asia. According to this decree in September and October 1941 were deported 446,480 Soviet Germans (according to other sources 438 280). In September 1941, many military service persons of German nationality were sent from the front to the rear. In subsequent months, the deportation has touched almost the entire German population living in European Russia and the Caucasus that were not occupied by the Wehrmacht. The resettlement of Germans made gradually and was completed by May 1942. Totally during the war were moved up to 950 thousand Germans. 367,000 Germans were deported to the east: the republic of Komi, in the Urals, Kazakhstan, Siberia and the Altai. Babi Yar Estimate between 100 and 150 thousands jewish people were killed during WW 2 in Babi yar. There were a lot of interactions in different influences during many different events and specific situation that caused a lot of deaths of innocent people. Sometimes many cultures, nations and ethnoses are discriminated or even eliminated because of misunderstanding. It will happen untill people do not understand that there are more other non-violent ways of solving problems.

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