Wednesday, October 30, 2019

GLUT4 glucose transporter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

GLUT4 glucose transporter - Essay Example The generalised form of this reaction is written as follows There are three types of sugar transporters that carry sugars across the plasma membrane in to the cells. First are the energy independent facilitated diffusion transporters such as the glucose transporters family(GLUT) of hexose transporters seen in yeast and in mammalian cells. These proteins are encoded by SLC2A genes(solute carriers 2A). Second are the energy dependent transporters for example sodium dependent glucose transporters(SGLT) encoded by SLC5A genes in the intestine and in kidney epithelial cells. The third type of transporters couple ATP dependent phosphorylation with sugar import and are seen in bacteria. This family of glucose transporters were first discovered in yeast where 18 genes have been identified. Humans have 14 GLUT homologs. All of the yeast glucose transporters are of the same size(40-55 Kilodaltons) and have similar structures containing 12 membrane spanning domains. These domains form a barrel with a small pore for the sugar to pass through. The only "sugar transport signatures" are a few widely scattered glycine and tryptophan residues and one PET tri-peptide sequence The elevated levels of blood sugar and amino acids that occur following a meal signal pancreatic beta cells to release insulin into the bloodstream. Once in the vascular system, circulating insulin markedly enhances glucose transport into skeletal muscle and adipose tissue, the peripheral sites responsible for the majority of postprandial glucose disposal. In response to insulin, glucose enters muscle and fat cells through aqueous pores formed by the glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4) protein. GLUT4 is the fourth of 13 members of a family of facilitative sugar transporters and is the only iso-form that is widely accepted as being insulin-responsive. Like other GLUT family members, GLUT4 is a 12 trans-membrane protein; unlike most other isofoms, GLUT4 is predominantly localized to intracellular compartments in the basal state. Activation of the insulin receptor triggers a large increase in the rate of GLUT4 vesicle exocytosis and a concomitant decrease in the rate of endocytosis. This insulin-dependent shift in GLUT4 vesicle trafficking results in a net increase of GLUT4 protein at the cell surface, thus allowing glucose to enter target cells. Once

Monday, October 28, 2019

Social Change Essay Example for Free

Social Change Essay Social Change is defined as any modification in the social organization of a society in any of its social institutions or patterns of social roles. Usually social change refers to a significant change in social behavior or a change in some larger social system, rather than to minor changes within a small group. Thus, social change refers to changes in the established patterns of social relationships for example in family, religious or economic life. One of the biggest social changes that has happened during my lifetime is the development and distribution of cell phones. Ten years ago cell phones were never even heard of and now they seem to be a necessity to life. The first cell phones were made back in the 1980s and were the size of bricks. They were also costly so not many people had them. The first experience I had with a cell phone was when I was in 5th grade and my mom bought our family’s first cell phone. It was a solid black flip phone that had a pullout antenna and a black and white screen. When my mom bought the phone my siblings and I thought it was the coolest thing in the world and we use to beg our mom to let us play games on her phone. A few years later, due to the ever growing popularity of portable phones, the rest of my family would be getting their first cell phones. I received my first cell phone when I was in 7th grade and most of my other friends were starting to get theirs. It was a solid red phone with a slide down keyboard and it was one of the more favorable cell phones at the time. When I bought the phone, I immedia tely noticed a big change for me and that was no longer having to remember people’s phone numbers. Instead of memorizing twenty to thirty numbers I could just program them into my phone and never have to worry about them again. By the time I entered high school, every kid had a cell phone and now it was a competition to see who had the best and most up to date cell phone. Since the invention of cell phones the technology and software of the phones have increased exponentially in such a short period of time. The biggest leaps in the phones technology happened when I was in high school. During my softmore year touchscreen phones came out and everybody had to have one.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Platos Criticism of Democracy Essay -- Plato

Plato's Criticism of Democracy Do not be angry with me for speaking the truth; no man will survive who genuinely opposes you or any other crowd and prevents the occurrence of many unjust and illegal happenings in the city. A man who really fights for justice must lead a private, not a public, life if he is to survive for even a short time. (Apology 31e-32a) These are the words of Socrates, who spoke before the Athenian jury in the trial that would, ultimately, condemn him to his death. Through works such as the Apology and The Republic, we can see Plato’s distaste of the concept of democracy. Why does he consider democracy to be so flawed? Let us look through his own eyes and see what his individual criticisms are, and determine if the very concept of democracy is as flawed as he believes it to be. One of the contemporary definitions of democracy today is as follows: â€Å"Government by the people, exercised either directly or through elected representatives; Rule by the majority† (â€Å"Democracy† Def.1,4). Democracy, as a form of government, was a radical idea when it manifested; many governments in the early history of the world were totalitarian or tyrannical in nature, due to overarching beliefs that the strong ruled over the weak. Although the Greeks coined the word â€Å"democracy† – the words demos â€Å"people† and kratos â€Å"rule† conjoined together to mean, literally, â€Å"rule by the people† – there is speculation about weather or not certain other peoples, such as the Sumerians and the Indians, managed to engage in democratic methods of governance first. However, the history of democracy is not what is being discussed here; we are focusing on Plato’s criticism of democracy, particularly with regards to the Athenian model and his... ...n life. However, Plato’s criticisms should be kept in mind when determining the merit of a democratic government. Oh, would it not be great to have a democracy of philosophers, who would pursue truth and wisdom! Alas, we are only human, and susceptible to many evils and lies. The trick is to prevent such ignorant people from becoming the majority. At times, it seems nigh impossible to do so; curse our stupidity! WORKS CITED â€Å"Democracy.† Def.1,4. The American Heritage Dictionary. 2nd college ed. 1991. Plato. â€Å"The Apology.† Five Dialogues: Euthyphro, Apology, Cito, Meno, Phaedo. 2nd ed. Trans. Grube, G.M.A. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company, Inc, 2002. 36. Gorgias. Trans. Helmbold, W.C. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc, 1952. 18-19, 32-48. â€Å"Book V.† The Republic of Plato. Trans. Bloom, Allan. New York: Basic Books Inc, 1968. 153-154.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Mary Wilkins Freemans The Revolt of Mother :: Mary Wilkins Freeman Revolt Mother Essays

Mary Wilkins Freeman's The Revolt of Mother   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In Mary Wilkins Freeman’s â€Å"The Revolt of ‘Mother’† Mother is the typical woman of the late 1890s, who was brought up to be subservient to men, as was common during the era. America was a completely patriarchal society at the end of the nineteenth century. Women had always been perceived as lesser beings than men; women were thought to be less intelligent, weaker, and generally less important than men. â€Å"The Revolt of ‘Mother’† was written just around the time when women started demanding their rights, strong women, like Sarah Penn. The characterization of ‘Mother’ as a meek woman strongly conveys an idea about real women standing up for themselves and their beliefs that was just the beginning of a women’s liberation movement toward reform.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Freeman portrays Sarah as the typical woman living in America in the late 1800s. Her lack of strength is emphasized strongly in her description, â€Å"Her forehead was mild and benevolent between the smooth curves of her gray hair; there were meek downward lines about her nose and mouth†¦.† The physical characteristics, referred to as mild, meek and benevolent, indicate her personality and yet generalize her so that she could be any woman of that time period. The generality of calling her â€Å"Mother† instead of Sarah in the title symbolizes that all women, not just this one rare case, can make a difference and stand up for themselves.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Adoniram’s lack of interest in the house reflects his lack of interest in his wife. The new house is a womanly place; Mother will take care of it and clean it and cook in it every day for the rest of her life. Adoniram cares much more about himself and his own wants and desires. He spends his days in the barns, so he would prefer a new place for himself before a new place for his wife. He believes that his desires are more substantial than those of a woman. Adoniram’s sense of power over Sarah is clear when he refuses to answer her questions about the barn he is building. He seems to think he is in some way better than she, for she was just a dumb, but obedient woman. He ignores her when she questions the new barn, and reminds him of the house he had promised her forty years ago. He does not even respect her enough to have a conversation of his plans with her.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Proposal for Handicraft

PROPOSAL OF MODERN AND CLASSIC HANDICRAFT 1. 0 INTRODUCTION * This product is owned by MODERN AND CLASSIC HANDICRAFT SDN BHD. This company is located Bandar Hilir, Melaka. Handicraft is a product made by human’s hands without using any machinery or equipment. Generally handicraft means art or skills of hands are not usually dined with machines but rather with hand tools. The price that we offer is very affordable to our customer. 2. 0 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 3. 1 This company’s product is handicraft basket newspaper. It is made from recycling of paper such as old newspaper. 3. Our company has many competitors of handicraft such as a cane handicrafts, wood handicrafts, bamboo handicrafts, and shell handicrafts. Their design and collection very impressive and modern in the global design trend. Plus, they all have a great and cute design and have a lot of experience and ideas in the creation of handicraft. 3. 3 Our product features is made from newspaper. The creation are beau tiful and very high artistic. It does also promote recycling, have a light weight and easy to carry anywhere, durable, strong, very suitable in place in any room in the house and of course comes with cheap price. . 4 Our special features of product newspapers additional accessories such as ribbons to make a decoration into our product. It is to attract the people to buy our product because it is different from other products. 3. 5 Our product must be in the market because it is a very different product that other. An important that comes from this product is, it is made by hand. Moreover, it did not use any machine that harms an environment. Our product is also a terms combination in modern and classic handicraft.Another thing is, our main aim for this product to be on the market is, to avoid more pollution happen in our environment. Overall, this product is comes from the newspaper and 100% handmade product. It is value for the customers and the quality of the product is guaranteed . In this product, the customer also can find another design instead the small one and the big one. Example, the basket and dustbin. 3. 6 Our product is suitable for the bride, house wife, traditional and handicraft collector, and also some restaurant owner.This target of customers will likely to buy this product for specific purpose. For example the restaurant owner will buy our product for unique decoration of the table to place tissues. Same also goes to house wife. 3. 0 The objectives of our company are: 4. 7 To introduce to the people the uniqueness of our product that is comes from the newspaper. * The main option to produce this handicraft is to reduce the pollution and show benefit of that comes from recycles work. It is also will show the uniqueness about product that made by hands and uses the newspaper as the main item.We did not use any machines, so it will reduce many cost and can save the budget to produce our product. 4. 8 To share an interest from the shareholders of making a product that can build a good environment. * Our shareholders want to have a good environment in order to produce any product. We decide to bring our company name as a company that have a safe environment in workplace, also bring the interest of the shareholder. It can be proven by there’s no pollution like the factories of making any handicraft product.In terms to get any profit, we also remain the importance that we have care about our environment 4. 9 To market a various shape of handicraft product. * Our product is comes with various shape that will catch the interest of the consumer. Another important objective that we hold in this company is to bring a large marketing of our product. Instead people want to using a product to store a things from a plastic product, we want to make a new marketing about to store a product that comes from recycle things, and to give an awareness to the consumer about reduction of pollution. * 4. SIGNIFICANCE OF OUR COMPANY: 5. 10 To get the profit from a good product that we have made It is a valuable works that comes from a hand. Thus, it is important for the company to get the real profit from the product, so the worker in the company will feel the value that comes from the product. Instead, this is new innovation that the company wants to bring to the consumer. By only using a newspaper, there’s many benefit that everyone can share. 5. 11 To ensure that customers are satisfied with the our design Our target are to give our customer believe and satisfy with our design and collection.Although, we want them feel happy and should collect or buy our product again. It is because we will get satisfication our design with affordable price. 5. 12 To protect the environment Newspapers could be used to protect the environment and prevent pollution. Our product can also save money by recycling newspapers. Nowadays, there’s so many production of the products. People just want to get the profit, but didnà ¢â‚¬â„¢t think the effects that it will brings to environment. By this product, it will show the important on how the way effective of protect the environment.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019


Diabetes DIABETES PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1Running head: DIABETESDiabetesDiabetesDiabetes is a common metabolic condition that results from elevated blood sugar levels. Diabetes is medically described as diabetes mellitus. This condition is known to cause underlining problems in individuals who acquire the disease. This condition is usually described as a combination of many diseases that eventually causes individuals to have high blood sugar (Parsaik et al., 2010).High blood sugar is attributable to inadequate production of the insulin hormone, which is a hormone, glycogen, responsible for regulating the blood sugar. Additionally, blood sugar imbalances can result from failure of the body cells to respond to insulin hormone. The insulin hormone is produced in the pancreas hence the condition is usually a defect of the pancreatic cells (Cook et al., 2008).Diabetes exists in three main types Diabetes type I, Diabetes type II, and Gestational Diabetes. The symptoms of each are attributable to the effects and the mode of occurrence of the type.Ulcus bei Diabetes à ¼ber dem HalluxThis paper provides an elaborate insight on diabetes and how it affects the body systems and metabolism. Moreover, it discusses how the condition can be properly prevented, managed and solved in critical cases (Glasgow et al., 2012).Type I Diabetes MellitusThis condition results from a metabolic failure. The condition is seen when the pancreas fails to produce hormone insulin. The human body is strictly dependent on insulin in order to reduce the sugar levels. Failure of the body to produce insulin will make the sugar levels in the blood uncontrolled making the sufferers to start developing the diabetes symptoms. Type I diabetes can only be treated when individuals inject insulin into their body systems. It is also known as Juvenile or Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (IDDM). Type I diabetes is not very common and is...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Conflict Resolution MLB Essay

Conflict Resolution MLB Essay Conflict Resolution MLB Essay Major league baseball as we know it today began as merely a form of entertainment and good-natured competition. By the mid-1800’s the sport’s popularity had grown so much that the activity became more of a business. More and more teams and leagues were formed with the owners trying to gain the maximum benefit and financial gain from the increasingly profitable sport. Analysis As the popularity of baseball grew, the players also became increasingly aware of the value of their skills and sought ways to protect their interests while taking full advantage of their personal income potential, including exploring opportunities with other teams. Fearing the loss of players they relied on for profits, the owners joined together, without consideration for the players, and agreed to include provisions in player contracts that prevented the players from leaving one team and switching to another team. By avoiding communication with the players about their concerns and not collaborating to bring about a resolution, the owners’ actions led to distrust and the formation of unions in an attempt to strength the position of the players. The first head of the Major League Baseball Players Association (MLBPA) had experience as a hard-ball trade union negotiator who favored aggressive, pressuring tactics over the caring and fatherly approach of previous years. The owners responded by forming their own negotiating group, the Major League Player Relations Committee (PRC). Thus began many years of major league baseball contract negotiations that involved battles over contract terms between the team owners and the unions that represented the baseball players. This era was characterized by distributive negotiation approaches with each of the parties trying to get the largest share of the available resources. One example was the negotiations for the third Basic Agreement in the early 1970’s where there was disagreement over the amount the owners should contribute to the players’ pension fund. The players’ union contended that surplus pension funds existed that resulted in a bargaining range that would allow some of those funds to be used to offset higher cost-of-living expenses. True to the distributive negotiation strategy, the owners avoided communication and initially refused to share applicable financial information. The parties failed to reach an agreement and the payers went on strike. The work stoppage forced the parties to hammer out a compromise agreement that yielded $500,000 for the pension fund. However, the dispute costs for the players’ union and the owners were $1 million and $5.2 million, respectively. A similar situation occurred in 1981 when the players and owners could not reach agreement on free-agent compensation. The issue was exacerbated by the media’s attention on the hostile relationship that had developed between the leaders of the players’ union and the owners’ group. The players once again went on strike, which was settled after 50 days with the help of Federal agencies. The dispute costs in this instance were $30 million in wages for the players and $72 million in lost revenues for the owners. Ironically, the settlement was very similar to the Union’s bargaining position, but at a significant cost to both parties. The relationship between the owners and the players continued to deteriorate in the midst of owner collusion, work stoppages, and increasing demands by the players. In 1992, the head of the PRC was removed from office and the owners made a commitment to inform the players that there will be no games played unless a deal is finalized, understanding that could mean they would not play for one or two years if need be. Failure to gain agreement on salary arbitration, a â€Å"salary cap,† free agent eligibility, and distribution of television revenue prompted the players to go on strike; a work stoppage that would last 232 days. While the amount of revenue lost was

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Grammarian Definition and Examples

Grammarian Definition and Examples A grammarian is a specialist in the grammar of one or more languages: a linguist. In the modern era, the term grammarian is sometimes used pejoratively to refer to a grammatical purist or prescriptivistone whos primarily concerned with correct usage.According to James Murphy, the role of the grammarian changed between the classical era (Roman grammarians seldom ventured into the field of prescriptive advice) and the Middle Ages (It is precisely on this issue that medieval grammarians strike out into new areas) (Rhetoric in the Middle Ages, 1981). Observations Edward SapirThe man who is in charge of grammar and is called a grammarian is regarded by all plain men as a frigid and dehumanized pedant. It is not difficult to understand the very pallid status of linguistics in America.H.L. MenckenMore than once, plowing through profound and interminable treatises of grammar and syntax during the writing and revision of the present work, I have encountered the cheering spectacle of one grammarian exposing, with contagious joy, the grammatical lapses of some other grammarian. And nine times out of ten, a few pages further on, I have found the enchanted purist erring himself. The most funereal of the sciences is saved from utter horror by such displays of human malice and fallibility.Umberto EcoWhen the writer . . . says he has worked without giving any thought to the rules of the process, he simply means he was working without realizing he knew the rules. A child speaks his mother tongue properly, though he could never write out its grammar. But t he grammarian is not the only one who knows the rules of the language; they are well known, albeit unconsciously, also to the child. The grammarian is merely the one who knows how and why the child knows the language. Donatus, Roman GrammarianThe discipline of grammar developed parallel with that of rhetoric during the Hellenistic and Roman periods, and the two often overlapped. Grammar schools provided training necessary for a student before he entered a school of rhetoric . . .. The most famous Roman grammarian was Aelius Donatus, who lived in the fourth century after Christ and whose works were the basic grammatical texts for the Middle Ages...The Ars Minor of Donatus, his most read work, is limited to discussion of the eight parts of speech... but his fuller Ars Grammatica goes beyond strictly grammatical subjects to discuss, in Book 3, barbarism and solecism as faults of style as well as a number of ornaments of style also discussed by rhetoricians...Donatuss treatment of tropes and figures had great authority and was substantially repeated in handbooks by the Venerable Bede and other later writers. Since grammar was always more widely studied than rhetoric, and often out of Donatuss text, hi s discussion insured that these ornaments of style were known in later centuries even to students who did not study rhetoric as a separate discipline. Robert A. Kaster[In late antiquity, the] grammarian was, first, the guardian of the language, custos Latini sermonis, in a phrase of Seneca, or guardian of articulate utterance, in the description of Augustine. He was to protect the language against corruption, to preserve its coherence, and to act as an agent of control: thus, early in his history, we find the grammarian claiming the right to limit the grant of citizenship (civitas) to new usages. But by virtue of his command of the poetic texts, the grammarians guardianship extended to another, more general area, as guardian of tradition (historiae custos). The grammarian was the conservator of all the discrete pieces of tradition embedded in his texts, from matters of prosody (to which Augustine refers in his characterization) to the persons, events, and beliefs that marked the limits of vice and virtue.The two realms of the guardianship thus answered to the two divisions of the grammarians task, the knowledge of speaking correctl y and the explication of the poets...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Russian Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Russian Policy - Essay Example Strobe Talbott, the presidential advisor to President Clinton, in his book, ‘The Russia Hand: A Memoir of Presidential Diplomacy’, has provided a vivid account of the period especially with regard to the relationship with the former Russian President, Boris Yeltsin and his subsequent fall from grace. It should be noted that the author is qualified to write his opinions and observations since he played a vital role in US Russia relations during that period. He has had personal access to all the primary stakeholders in the process including Clinton, Yeltsin and later with Vladimir Putin. The book, written in the form of a memoir clearly states that the era of Putin would not have occurred without the era of Yeltsin. This would create an impression that the transition was a smooth one planned by Yeltsin, but it is far from the truth. The relationship between President Clinton and his Russian counterpart was unprecedented in the history of the United States. It is said that the number of meeting between the US President and Yeltsin outnumbered the total meetings by all the US and USSR premiers in the past. President Clinton was of the view that the cold war attitude of former presidents including Eisenhower and Truman is no longer relevant in the changed circumstances (Talbott 133). It required a closer approach devoid of suspicion and intrigue that had been characteristic of the attitude between the two superpowers of the time. Yeltsin who had continued the reforms of Gorbachev was in an unenviable position. The country was opening up to reforms which included to a large extent, private business and ownership. People were optimistic about a situation where free market enterprise and freedom of thought and speech would result in a resurgent and prosperous Russia. But the actual situation is his country was far from rosy or perfect. A country used to Communist rule

Friday, October 18, 2019

Discuss the balance between ludological (gameplay) elements and Essay

Discuss the balance between ludological (gameplay) elements and narratological (story) elements in games. Is one more important - Essay Example The ultimate goal of such analysis is to move from a taxonomy of elements to an understanding of how these elements are arranged in actual narratives, fictional and nonfictional.† [Pradl 1984] A typical application of narratological methodologies would include sociolinguistic studies of storytelling and in conversation analysis or discourse analysis that deal with narratives arising in the course of spontaneous verbal interaction. The study of narrative is particularly important since our ordering of time and space in narrative forms constitutes one of the primary ways we construct meaning in general. The narratological approach is characterised by its overriding concern with narrative structure, and the close attention it pays to the effects that this structure has on the shaping and unfolding of narratives. Literary theory and narratology have also been very helpful to understand cybertexts and videogames. Narratology theories are used to bring the aspect of storytelling, a s cenario, a scene, characters and a plot of which the user plays through and experiences and takes part in the story that unfolds. Rhetorically Narratological elements in games, especially in videogames, are somewhat makes them more stunning to public and to players. They somewhat brings the beauty inside the game. The players, sometimes, tend to spend more attention to the story of the game than to the gameplay or the environment of the game. Take along this RPG’s (role-playing games) for example, Star Wars the game, players tend to stay focused and tuned-in on the story than being focused on the interactivity of the game. In other words, they are having the willingness to complete the game mainly because they want to know what happens next in the story. They become eager to advance the game from one level to another for the next plot. Apparently, game designers tend to have their work based on books, epics, legends, myths, heroes, or even on films. By this, they attract play ers more. As far as Narratology is concerned and used in videogames and in cybertexts, here comes ludology - â€Å"the academic study of videogames† [Keats 2006]. Using narratological elements as framework in designing a game is indeed very useful, yet it cannot be the only framework to be applied. Ludology from the words ludus means game and logus study. It speaks of the gameplay of a game. It scrutinizes the interactivity of the game. The acts you will make in order to move inside the game, the graphics, the setting, colours, sizes and shapes, etc. It talks about how the game will appear on screen. Ludology is obviously widely used in games. It is where critiques site their comment. They would not say â€Å"This game sucks. It has a vague story.† The ludology perspective is useful and can stand alone than narratology is. It directly applies to some games. For example players do not play tetris for a story. They would not bother asking â€Å"Where is entertainment he re? Where is the story?† Also in popular games like Mario by Nintendo are better suited as a game and criticised on its gameplay and graphics rather than on the story. Most players tend to play a Mario game not to see if Mario meets Princess Peach but for each level’s design and other gameplay elements that make the game more exciting. Narratology and ludology are being opposed by most. However, these two adjacent and independent perspectives must be clearly understood to arrive on to a bigger

Business Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Business Accounting - Essay Example Acer Group generated revenues of $14.74 billion in 2012 (Acer-group, 2012). Its revenues decreased by 9.62% in comparison with the previous year. The gross profit of the company was $1.48 billion and its gross margin equaled 10.04%. Gross margin is a measure of the broad profitability of the company. Despite its solid broad profitability the company incurred in net losses for the year of $99.88 million. Its net losses for 2012 were lower than the 2011 losses of $226.59 million. The net margin of the firm was -0.68%. Net margin measures the absolute profitability of a firm. The return on assets (ROA) of Acer Group was -0.04%. ROA indicates how profitable a firm is in relation to its assets (Investopedia, 2013). The return on assets of Acer Group was bad for two reasons. First the metric result was negative. A negative ROA is an undesirable outcome. The second reason is that it was below the computer industry average ROA of 4.4% (Dun & Bradstreet, 2013). The return on equity (ROE) of t he firm was -0.13%. Acer Group’s return on equity is much lower than the industry average of 9.7%. The current ratio measures the ability of a company to pay off its short term debt (Accountingexplained, 2013). This ratio is calculated dividing current assets by current liabilities. Acer Group had a current ratio of 1.19. Its current ratio is acceptable because is above the 1.0 threshold, but it is 1.01 below the industry average current ratio of 2.20. The quick ratio is another liquidity metric. It is calculated similarly than the current ratio with the exception that inventory is subtracted from current assets in the numerator of the formula. The quick ratio of Acer Group was 0.89 which is lower than the industry average of 1.50. The working capital of a business is calculated subtracting current liabilities from current assets. Acer Group had a working capital in 2012 of $954,888,000. This metric measures the ability of the company to pay off its short term debt using sole ly its current assets. The debt ratio measures how much a company relies on debt to finance its assets (Investorwords, 2013). It is calculated dividing total debt by total assets. Acer Group had a debt ratio in 2012 of 0.67. Considering its size the company is not too leveraged which allows the option of using additional debt in the future to expand. The debt to equity ratio of the organization was 0.49. This ratio measures the amount of assets being provided by creditors for each dollar of assets being provided by stockholders (Garrison & Noreen, 2003). The debt to equity ratio of Acer Group is lower than the industry average of 0.82. Acer Group has depended less on debt than its competition. The inventory turnover of the company was 8.91. This implies that the company sold its inventory nearly nine times during the year. The average sale period of the firm was 40.95 days, thus it took the company less than 41 days to sell its entire inventory. The asset to sales ratio of the busin ess was 52.77% which is slightly below the industry standard of 53.40%. The sale to working capital ratio of the firm was 15.43. This ratio is good considering the fact that the industry standard is only 3.50. The times interest earned ratio measures the company’s ability to make interest payments. Acer Group had a times interest earned ratio of 1.25. Task 2 The common stocks of Acer are trading in the market under the symbol ACEIF. The stocks were priced at $3.02 as of December 25, 2013 (Yahoo, 2013).

Thursday, October 17, 2019

An Ethical Dilemma Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

An Ethical Dilemma - Term Paper Example The organization’s hiring process has however been difficult, in the past, because it is not famous in its South Dakota locality. After the first round of interviews, a female candidate who is a local resident and prefers working in the area is identified with acceptable qualifications even though she is not a fresh graduate. She unconditionally accepts a $ 105000 remuneration package. Another set of interviews identifies a male candidate with all the organization’s requirements but he has another competitive offer. It is however certain that he will accept a $ 135000 dollar package. The case identifies a number of ethical issues through different ethical principles and theories. One of the issues in the case is the consequences of the decision to offer the higher package to the later employee. This follows the utilitarian theory that advocates the maximum good to all stakeholders in a decision. Justice is another ethical issue that is applicable to the case. It defines fairness in dealing with issues to eliminate discrimination. Integrity issue among decision makers is also evident in the case to define the level of honesty in the decisions (Carroll and Buchholtz, 2008). Besides honesty, decisions are supposed to be truthful as provided for by the â€Å"principle of personal virtue† (Williams, 2010, p. 130). It is also ethical for an entity to make decisions to safeguard its long-term interest. This is supported by both utilitarianism and the â€Å"principle of long-term self-interest† (Williams, 2010, p. 130). I would recruit the later employee at the higher cost of $ 135000 dollar package. A number of the involved ethical issues in the case would support the decision. I would have for example safeguarded the organization’s long-term interest in securing potentials of fresh recruits.

Corporate social responsibility Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 2

Corporate social responsibility - Essay Example Over the period of time, corporate social responsibilities have gained its prominence in public and business debate. Furthermore, it has affected the working strategy of business in such a way that crosses the departmental restrictions. The corporate social responsibility is referred to as the strategic alteration initiated by firms or organization is such a way that is beneficial, society friendly and ethical towards the development of community. According to Moser, Gyomlay, corporate social responsibility is viewed as increasingly central concern and widely-applied concept in decision making process of a business. Moreover, it is defined as the circumstances where a business or firm engages in accomplishment and goes beyond the compliances that go beyond the interests of the firm and based on social good. It is believed that, every corporate report, policies talk about the undertakings and activities for corporate social responsibility. This has become the primary way of ensuring t hat a firm of business is achievingand satisfying all obligations towards society. The prime purpose of the report is based on critical assessment of importance of corporate social responsibility towards business and society. Corporate social responsibility is also known as sustainable responsible business that is a practice of corporate self-regulation. It is defined as the sense of responsibly of a business or firm towards the environment and community. The citizenship is expressed by companies through contribution on social and education programs, pollution and waste reduction procedures. In early 1970, the term corporate social responsibility came in to prominence. Many multinational corporations used the word CSR to define the activities of businessthat impacted their duty and concerns towards the environment. Different researches have provided different viewpoints about the proper implementation and

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

An Ethical Dilemma Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

An Ethical Dilemma - Term Paper Example The organization’s hiring process has however been difficult, in the past, because it is not famous in its South Dakota locality. After the first round of interviews, a female candidate who is a local resident and prefers working in the area is identified with acceptable qualifications even though she is not a fresh graduate. She unconditionally accepts a $ 105000 remuneration package. Another set of interviews identifies a male candidate with all the organization’s requirements but he has another competitive offer. It is however certain that he will accept a $ 135000 dollar package. The case identifies a number of ethical issues through different ethical principles and theories. One of the issues in the case is the consequences of the decision to offer the higher package to the later employee. This follows the utilitarian theory that advocates the maximum good to all stakeholders in a decision. Justice is another ethical issue that is applicable to the case. It defines fairness in dealing with issues to eliminate discrimination. Integrity issue among decision makers is also evident in the case to define the level of honesty in the decisions (Carroll and Buchholtz, 2008). Besides honesty, decisions are supposed to be truthful as provided for by the â€Å"principle of personal virtue† (Williams, 2010, p. 130). It is also ethical for an entity to make decisions to safeguard its long-term interest. This is supported by both utilitarianism and the â€Å"principle of long-term self-interest† (Williams, 2010, p. 130). I would recruit the later employee at the higher cost of $ 135000 dollar package. A number of the involved ethical issues in the case would support the decision. I would have for example safeguarded the organization’s long-term interest in securing potentials of fresh recruits.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Econ 1500 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Econ 1500 - Assignment Example It originated from the classical economists, but later adopted by modern Marxist economics, i.e. Karl Marx. Value exists in three different concepts i.e. utility, use value, and exchange value. In classical economist’s viewpoint, labor input determines the value of a good or service. On the other hand, marginalists believe that a buyer of a good determines its utility, and this fluctuates with consumption patterns. Therefore, the major transition involves labor as the cornerstone of valuation of a product to utility as the form of valuation of a product (Hartwick and Peet 1). Which economists/philosophers derived economic information and theories on â€Å"utility†, the â€Å"equi-marginal principle†, and â€Å"opportunity cost† principles in economics that we use in today’s economic analysis? Identify the concepts and economists, and then briefly explain these three economic principles. Paul Samuelson derived the theory of utility. The concept of utility describes the tastes and preferences associated with consumer’s consumption patterns. This comes from the dual side analysis of value and price i.e. demand and supply sides. Herbert Simon invented the concept of opportunity cost. This is the cost of an activity measured against the foregone value of the next best alternative, i.e. the sacrifice in relation to the next best choice taken among mutually exclusive choices. The principle of equi-marginal utility was the brainchild of Hermann Heinrich Gossen. This concept is an extension of diminishing marginal utility law as it explains how a consumer behaves while distributing his or her limited income between various services and goods. This law dictates that a consumer will allocate his money income among several goods in order to derive maximum

Financial Institutions Essay Example for Free

Financial Institutions Essay The best financial institution for the high debt and high income professionals looking to obtain insurance and investment advice and services is a financial planning services company such as Ameriprise Financial. Financial planning looks at life events and life goals such as retirement and estate planning and offers advice and provides products to help meet those goals. Many financial planning services companies also offer loans and deposit banking accounts. Generally one representative who is licensed to sell insurance, investments, and loans will work with this couple throughout their relationship with the company. The representative’s goal is to periodically review changes in life events and modify the couple’s insurance and investment portfolio to meet their changing goals and objectives. For this couple, the representative may suggest a product that combines insurance and investment such as an annuity or universal life insurance. The couple can establish a relationship with a financial services firm in a local branch or through an interactive website maintained by the company. In some cases the bank that they are already established with may have a financial planning division that they can access in the local branch or through the bank website. Scenario B The best financial institution for a student looking to establish a checking or saving account, establish credit, and develop a relationship with a financial institution should consider a credit union. A credit union is similar to a bank in that it offers deposit accounts and loan programs, but differs from banks in that credit unions are non-profit organizations that are owned and operated by members as opposed to being owned by stockholders and operated by executive boards. Credit unions generally offer higher interest rates on savings accounts, lower fees on checking accounts, and lower interest rates on loans and credit cards. Credit union membership is generally tied to an organization such as a labor union, many large corporations have employee credit unions, some churches or communities have credit unions for members. This student can establish a credit union relationship through parents or may become employed in a local business that offers credit union membership as an employee benefit. Organizations like the Credit Union National Association provides resources and information for consumers. Scenario C The best financial institution for a small business owner who needs multiple deposit and checking accounts, investment services, and access to branches in other cities should consider a national bank such as Bank of America that has branches nationwide as well as online account access. Bank of America, and similar national banks, offer online payroll processing, credit card processing for retailers, and provide businesses with the option of importing bank statement information into popular accounting software formats such as Quicken, QuickBooks, and Microsoft Money. National banks have departments dedicated to small business lending and offer various types of Small Business Administration (SBA) loans. They also have services to meet the needs of specialty industries including financing and leasing partnerships with auto dealers. The business owner can establish a relationship with a banking professional at a local branch or can establish accounts online. National banks generally have extensive, interactive websites which provide information and guidance on establishing the business banking relationship. References Ameriprise Financial. Financial planning advice and financial advisors. Retrieved March 11, 2009, from http://www. ameriprise. com/default-home . asp Bank of America. Small business loans, payroll services other small business services. Retrieved March 11, 2009, from https://www. bankofamerica. com/smallbus iness/index. jsp Credit Union National Association, Consumer Info. Americas credit unions: where people are worth more than money. Retrieved March 11, 2009, from http://www. creditunion. coop/what_is_a_ cu. html

Monday, October 14, 2019

Recommendations for the Children Act 2004

Recommendations for the Children Act 2004 The Children Act 2004 created the office of Childrens Commissioner. If you were to be appointed to this office, which changes and innovations would you propose to the law and policy relating to children and the family to ensure that your function is fulfilled? How would you justify such changes and innovations? Introduction The Children Act 2004[1] was the product of a Government consultation exercise informed by the publication of the Every Child Matters[2] Green Paper which was drawn up to complement the Government’s formal response to the Victoria Climbià ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚ ©, Inquiry Report.[3] The Act provided for the establishment of the post of Children’s Commissioner to ensure a voice and lobbyist for children and young people at a national level. The current incumbent of this post is Professor Al Aynsley-Green. Section 2 of the Children Act stipulates that the Commissioners role will be to promote awareness of the interests and views of children and young adults up to the age of 20 including those in care or with learning disabilities. The Commissioner is also empowered to hold inquiries on direction by the Secretary of State or on his own initiative into cases of individual children with wider policy relevance This paper makes various proposals aimed at improving the current regime of law, policy and administration concerning the welfare of children and vulnerable young adults in the United Kingdom.[4] Bullying in Schools Bullying is a serious issue and something that affects the life of almost every child at one point or another in their time at school. It is also an issue for adult society, given that bullies sometimes take their habits into later life and that victims may harbour profound emotional scars long after they grow up. Bullying is consistently highlighted as a key concern, if not the paramount concern, in surveys of children.[5] As such it is submitted that proposals for action in this field would be warmly welcomed. The recent Anti-Bullying Week, which was coordinated by Professor Aynsley-Green, received considerable media attention and attracted the support of high profile media and sporting celebrities such as David Beckham. This indicates that there is widespread support for advances in policy in this area and this is significant because the likelihood of a proposal’s successful adoption and implementation is an important criterion in deciding which suggestions to put forward for consideration. Some shocking incidents have recently increased the momentum behind calls for innovative and progressive enhancement of society’s response to the problem of bullying. In November 2005 Natashia Jackman, aged 15, was attacked by three girls at a school in Surrey.[6] One of the girls used a pair of scissors to attack Natashia, stabbing her in the eye and face. It transpired that Natashia had been the victim of prolonged and concerted bullying at school. It is submitted that tough new intervention in this field is necessary before the situation escalates into one where a terrible incident such as one that occurred in this case takes place. Even more serious are the suicides of schoolchildren who are driven to a final act of desperation after being victimised by other children in classrooms and playgrounds.[7] If given the opportunity outlined in the title to this paper this commentator would make a proactive and effective anti-bullying policy a top priority for immediate action. In particular the following reforms are recommended: (a) A senior member of teaching staff at every primary and secondary school should be appointed as bullying surveillance officer. This position should be recognised and incorporated within the workload of the staff concerned, allowing sufficient time for the fulfilment of this duty and the role should be subject to external quality assessment, just as teaching is. (b) External speakers should be engaged to address children on bullying at school assembly. These should include authority figures such as police officers (who can explain the criminal consequences of such action), adult victims of bullying who can relate the experiences and the impact bullying had on them with force and even celebrities and notable figures could be enlisted to tour schools and offer influential advice. Professional footballer Rio Ferdinand recently starred in an anti-bullying television campaign[8] and it should be possible to gather together a sizeable team of prominent people who could participate in a scheme that would grab the attention of pupils and speak to them at their level. (c) Specialist bullying mediators should be appointed to local education areas with appropriate skills and experience and a dedicated remit to deal with bullying both at school and in the homes of victims and perpetrators alike. It is argued that teachers simply don’t have the training to conduct such sensitive work and negotiation and the matter is too serious to be left to concerned amateurs, no matter how much classroom experience they may have. (d) Pupils at all levels should be required to sign an anti-bullying pledge which emphasises that acquiescence in the face of bullying is an act that will itself attract punitive sanction under the school’s disciplinary code. Almost all of us will remember witnessing bullying, often sustaining bullying, of particular children from our schooldays, and almost all of us will probably regret failing to intervene to assist at the time. (e) School disciplinary mechanisms should deal sharply with any incidents of bullying, imposing stern and escalating punishments including suspension and possible exclusion and involving parents at an early stage. Moreover, the victims of bullying must be effectively protected in the process. There is anecdotal evidence to suggest that teachers sometimes prefer to deal with the complaints of one set of parents of a bullied child, rather than tackle four or five sets of parents of the bullies themselves. This is an appalling state of affairs and one that must be brought to an end forthwith. (f) A peer mentoring system should be introduced nationwide, to offer the victims of bullying the opportunity to speak with respected older children who have undergone training. Occasionally victims will be intimidated by the prospect of complaining to a teacher or even a parent. The other advantage of this suggested scheme is that peer mentors will typically have a better grasp of ‘ground-level’ activities and politics within a school than the most well- informed teachers. A range of incentives could be offered for participation in this scheme, and volunteering might prove especially attractive to older students with one eye on character references for work and university. (g) A comprehensive national education and advertising campaign should be launched to back up these reforms. If sustained, such a campaign is capable of producing an attitudinal shift in society from one of generally passive acquiescence to one of intolerance and proactive intervention. Thirty years ago car seatbelts were considered an annoyance at worst and an optional extra at best, however a concerted campaign shifted opinions to such an extent that for most people riding in a car without a seatbelt is now unthinkable just a generation later. Public campaigns have proved equally successful in such fields as passive smoking and there is no reason why a properly funded and lengthy anti-bullying campaign could not produce a similar seismic shift in our collective attitude to the activity. Better coordination, clarified responsibilities, increased funding This commentator would make it a priority to bash heads together (ie. encourage better liaison and cooperation) among local authorities and key agencies to improve the service that they collectively provide to children. At present too many children either fall through the cracks in the system or have pressing needs overlooked because the division of responsibilities between different agencies and bodies is unclear, piecemeal and patchy. Perhaps the best and most notorious example of this problem is the appalling case of Victoria Climbie, the inquiry into which presented shocking findings suggesting poor communication and coordination between responsible agencies. Moreover the general scarcity of resources dictates that it is often difficult for agencies to extend themselves beyond their own traditional spheres of activity in cases which may merit such action. It should surely be a priority in any general programme of reform to support child welfare professionals, be they working in the social services, police, education or health services, in an effort to work together more effectively, share information to identify difficulties and concerns, and provide the appropriate assistance more efficiently. To this end the creation of universal national database holding all information relevant to children and young people and the interests that concern them is recommended. It is time to exploit fully the exponentially growing power of technology in a way that is beneficial to children. A policy aimed at improved integration and enhanced cooperation must also entail measures to ensure better and clearer accountability for childrens services. For too long children have suffered from ambiguities in this crucial area. It is contended that concrete accountability in particular should perhaps be the ultimate aim of any proposed reform. Public and professional accountability is without doubt to best way guarantee diligence in any office. This clutch of proposals must go hand in hand with concerted lobbying for more funds from Government. Quality costs that is something that every parent understands on an individual level in respect to the care of their own children and it is something that the community should be susceptible to accept on a collective basis for the nation’s young. It is submitted that such a funding priority should prove more popular with the electorate than almost any other drain on the public purse. In simple terms, it can only be a vote winner for a Government beset with criticism over funding of such endeavours as the Iraq War and it chimes with the overarching policy of comprehensive, all-inclusive care endorsed by the Beveridge report[9] which founded the welfare state. Child Health and Welfare It is proposed that new policies are implemented to address specific problems that affect the health and well-being of the nation’s youth. While some apparent progress has been made in other sections of society it is damning fact that smoking rates are actually on the increase among children, in particular girls.[10] Approximately sixteen per cent of girls currently smoke, compared to around twelve per cent of boys. More than half of all children, male and female have consumed alcohol and a significant number are regular drinkers. Perhaps more startling is the fact that around seventeen per cent of children have abused solvents and a similar proportion have taken drugs, such as cannabis. Around twelve per cent of children claim to be sexually active or at least to have had sexual experience. Married to this statistic is the fact that the United Kingdom is top of the European league table for teenage pregnancy. Another concern for the health and well-being of the nation’s children is linked to dwindling participation rates in physical activity, both in and out of school hours, and to the point that standards of nutrition are negatively affected by the high and increasing consumption of convenience foods, fast foods, carbonated drinks and sweets. Girls have slightly healthier nutritional tastes than boys on average but sweets and sugary drinks are consumed at around twice the rate of fresh fruit and vegetables on a meal by meal basis. In isolation every one of the above statistics is a cause for serious concern. When viewed collectively it is submitted that these facts present a startling picture which demands immediate and concerted attention. If this commentator was to be appointed Children’s Commissioner a basket of policies would be recommended to improve the health and welfare of the nation’s children. Proposals would include restrictions on advertising, tax measures designed to reward (rather than punish as is the case today) healthy dietary choices, and hard hitting campaigns educating about the risks of drug and substance abuse. It is hard to argue that the age for smoking should be increased above sixteen, given that a person can get married or join the army and fight and die for his or her country at that age. However, the sale of cigarettes to minors should be more rigorously detected and punished and general measures to deter smoking in the adult population would reduce both the number of role models and exposure to passive smoke in the home and community. In terms of sexual health, a policy leaning away from permissive rights to emphasise more strongly responsibilities and risks would be advocated and a more open and accessible sexual education programme, such as that successfully employed at Scandinavian schools would be suggested. Concluding Comments A society can be judged by the way in which it treats its most vulnerable citizens. The office of Children’s Commissioner carries the heavy burden of safeguarding and furthering the interests of the nation’s youth, which is the nation’s future, and as such it is a function that must be carried out with commitment, verve and vigour. It is submitted that the proposals set out in this short paper would, if implemented, attract popular support and therefore access to funding and improve the lot of children nationwide. Moreover, at first and indeed second sight it is hard to conceive of any cogent argument against the concerted pursuit of such objectives. As such these proposals merit serious consideration for prompt and wholehearted adoption. THE END WORD COUNT: 2298 (excluding footnotes bullying was given particular emphasis as requested) BIBLIOGRAPHY Every Child Matters, Department for Education and Skills (2003) Victoria Climbie, Inquiry Report, Lord Laming (2003) Report to Parliament on Social Insurance and Allied Services, (Cmd. 6404) London: HMSO, 1942 ISBN: 0108502767 Bullied Girl Stabbed with Scissors:,,2-1868635,00.html Suicide ruling over bullied girls death, The Scotsman, 14 May 2005 Survey of smoking, drinking and drug use among secondary school children, Office of National Statistics: secondary_school_children.asp 1 Footnotes [1] The Act received Royal Assent on 15th November 2004. [2] See: [3] See: [4] Although it is noted that there is a separate Commissioner for each national jurisdiction within the United Kingdom. [5] The BBC television programme Newsround provides an online forum on bullying. [6] Bullied Girl Stabbed with Scissors:,,2-1868635,00.html. [7] See: Suicide ruling over bullied girls death, The Scotsman, 14 May 2005; and, inter alia:; [8] See: [9] Report to Parliament on Social Insurance and Allied Services, (Cmd. 6404) London: HMSO, 1942 ISBN: 0108502767. [10] See:

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Behavioral Sink :: Sociology Psychology Essays

Behavioral Sink In the reading â€Å"O Rotten Gotham† it talks about behavioral sink and how New York had been thrown into state of behavioral sink. It was interesting how this author took the behavior of rats and compared it to humans. After reading what he wrote it sort of reminded me of the lifestyles that some New Yorkers live with in the projects. While reading this story it made me think about my parents and what they have said about living in New York and in the projects. Here are some opinions about behavioral sink and taken from two people that have lived in the projects in New York When talking with Alberto Velez, he said that there was a lot of over crowding in the projects because too dense of a population. There were also too many people with emotional problems, with less time to get over their problems. The result was more crime and violent activity. Mr. Velez also talked about how the behavioral sink in the projects made people go into depression and have increased anxiety. People began to react to each other much more. There was much higher incident of crime due to anxiety. Then he went into say that once these people went through depression and didn’t know how to handle their emotions they would begin to care less and less about the building and the surroundings. Eventually the projects decayed. Part of the problem he said was with so many people there was higher opportunity to run into more emotional events and these events kept building in each other. When talking to Jean Gee, she gave me the definition as â€Å"Behavioral sink - a psychological state characterized by gross distortion of behavior.† Then she went on to say that people living in city projects, which are crowded and likely to be in constant state of disrepair often cause the tenants to be belligerent, unhappy, violent and socially dysfunctional. Just the fact that people are living in subsidized housing causes some sort of anxiety and stress because these type of housing projects tend to be racially and socially segregated, for example the majority of tenants in New York City housing are minorities and very poor. There are many opportunities for criminal type behavior against the tenants in these projects which tend to be high rise and sometimes not very well secured.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Hates Irrational Justification :: essays research papers

Hate’s Irrational Justification On Sept. 6, 2001, Richard Baumhammers, â€Å"a 36 year-old immigration lawyer, received five death sentences plus 112  ½ to 225 years in prison for a mass shooting rampage in April 2000 that killed his Jewish neighbor, two Asian men, and Indian man and a black man.† (â€Å"For the Record†) This incident was classified as a â€Å"hate crime† (a crime motivated solely on hate). Hatred is an extreme, on-going outburst powerful resentment and dislike of something or someone. How can something so powerful, such as hate, fulfill the minds of so many people? The odd thing about it, also, is that, hate does not cloud the minds of certain people only, the range of people is too great to be able to even start classifying them. Hate, like human feeling, is not rational but it has its reasons. Hate is irrational. Hate is created when people lose their ability to properly reason with anyone or with themselves for that matter. Hate is felt when someone feels trapped, unable to find another way of finding a solution to something that does not sit well in their minds. The Ku Klux Klan, who openly demonstrate hate towards African Americans, for example was compiled of middle to lower class white citizens that felt like their families, jobs, and lives were being threatened by the increase of African Americans living in the United States (Office Copy: Hate). As a result of this feeling of hopelessness and fear, they lynched and attacked African Americans for many years. Even till this day they have not completely seized harassment. Many people will agree that this is not a suitable solution for anything. Nothing was done to peacefully solve this conflict or mediate, instead, the KKK resorted to violence and open hatred. Another example is the Neo-nazi formation in the U.S. (Intel ligence report magazine) The Nazi party headed by Hitler in the nineteen thirties and forties hated Jews and anyone not part of the, so-called â€Å"Aryan nation† because they also felt threatened. As a so-called, â€Å"solution† to their insecurities they persecuted Jews. So why would Americans adopt this now, in the twenty-first century? According to William Pierce. Leader of the National Alliance, â€Å"†¦American people permitting the Jews to run their government and use American strength to advance Jews’ interests†¦ †(Published Interview) What Jewish interests? Pierce fails to say exactly what. No sense is being made.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Action Genre

The action genre is a genre wherein physical action takes precedence in the storytelling. Also, action movies often have continuous motions and actions including physical stunts, chases, fights, battles, and races. The story usually revolves around a hero that has a goal but is facing incredible odds to obtain it. While the action genre has a long recurring component in films, the action film genre began to develop in the 1970s along with the increase of stunts and special effects.Audiovisual Translation (AVT)According to Zobalbeascoa (2008), an audiovisual text is a mode of communication that is distinct from the written and the oral mode, although it may not be easy to draw a clear borderline between the audiovisual and other modes (p.29). And, other scholars like Bartrina (2004) believes that â€Å"in using the term audiovisual texts we receive via two channels, the visual and acoustic such texts contain images that move rapidly one after another† (p.157). Unlike communication through books, radio, telephone or sign language, audiovisual communication implies that the acoustic channel through air vibrations and the visual channel through light waves are simultaneously utilized. In other words, the film establishes a multi-channel and multi-code communication that take place through two channels (visual channel and acoustic channel) except for silent movies, but other communications, like radio and books, oppositely take place through one channel (only acoustic channel) (Delabastita, 2008). Finally, Gambier (1994) states that â€Å"audiovisual translation is a new genre in the realm of translation studies and several forms of translation take place in the international world of audiovisual communication† (p.277).IdeologyThe concept of ideology in translation studies is as old as the history of translation itself. And, according to Fawcett (1998), â€Å"throughout the centuries, individuals and institutions applied their particular beliefs to the production of certain effect in translation and an ideological approach to translation studies could be found in some of the earliest examples of translation known to us† (p. 106). However, Venuti (1998) states that â€Å"the linguistics-oriented approaches to translation studies have failed to address the concept of ideology through years of their prevalence, because such approaches are limited to their scientific models for research and the empirical data they collect, so that they remain reluctant to take into account the social values that enter into translating as well as the study of it† (p.1). Finally, ideology viewed in a more positive sense as a vehicle to promote or legitimate interests of a particular social group rather than a means to destroy the contenders (Calzada-Perez, 2003, p. 5).NormsAccording to Maylaerts (2008), quoted from Schaffner, (1998) norms are the translation of general values or ideas shared by a community into performance instructions applicable to particular situations. Norms specify what is prescribed and forbidden as well as what is tolerated and permitted in translation. Therefore, they imply sanctions, positive or negative. This means that norms imply a degree of social and psychological pressure since the concept of the norm has been used differently in translation studies, and its value has been both asserted strongly and called into question. Also, Toury (1995) maintains that â€Å"norms are the translation of what is wrong or right† (p.55). And, Munday (2012) believes that â€Å"norms are components peculiar to cultures, societies, and time being socio-cultural limitations which are acquired by persons during the educational and socializing processes† (p.112). Norms do not apply only in language, but also at all levels of our social lives, and it varies from one community or culture to another culture (Snell-Hornby, 1988). While, Pym (1999) discerns that â€Å"norms exist and they will change by means of beliefs, reasons, technology or creativity† (p.106). Norms of a society determine how taboo words and expressions dealt with in that given society. Finally, there are four types of norms:1) obligated 2) Permitted 3) Tolerated 4) Prohibited. In Islamic societies such as Iran, there exists a fifth norm which is recommended. Based on this, taboos are either tolerated or to a much greater degree prohibited.SubtitleSubtitles usually located at the bottom of the screen, either left-aligned or centered. They must be in 1 to 2 lines, not more than 35 characters and yellow or white font colors on the dark ground are preferred (Schwarz, 2002). And, according to Gottlibe (1997), subtitling as a translation practice has special features that they are as follow: a) written, b) additive, c) immediate, d) synchronous, e) polymedia (p.2). Cintas (2008) states that â€Å"subtitles considered as captions and transcriptions of a movie or TV dialogue in a same or different language and presented simultaneously on the screen at the bottom. They should be placed at the bottom of the screen in order to not interrupt the image action† (p.7).Taboo ConceptsFromkin, Rodman, and Hyams (2013) believe that â€Å"taboo has a strong cultural component that representing particular customs and the way people view their society† (p.112). Also, taboo terms actually are a broad term that has been approached by various disciplines from different standpoints. Throughout the years, there have been controversies about the scope of the term as well as various notions with regard to their function and role within the societies. Since the concept itself is multidimensional and highly culture-specific, what taboos cover often differs from one culture to another. Therefore, it seems to be no common ground reached regarding the issues dealt with under the title of taboo. In fact, the concept plays a central role in forming the cultures which considered as the main reason why so many disciplines are interested in theorizing it (Horlacher, 2010, p. 5). Finally, according to Wardhaugh (1990), the taboo is one way in which a society expresses its disapproval of certain kinds of behaviors that are harmful to its members either for supernatural reasons or such behaviors are held to violate a moral code (p.230).The Related Works in Iran and Other CountriesAmong the Works Applied in the Field of Translation of Taboo Terms and Concepts in Iran: Azardashti (2013) in an article titled as â€Å"Normative Attitude Toward Translation of Verbal Taboo† in The Catcher in the Rye has noted that different societies and cultures, particularly more traditional societies such as Iran dislike raising unusual subjects such as slangs and examining slangs in scientific areas have been always concealed. In spite of some researches in this regard over recent years' ambiguities and intact angles regarding translating slangs into Persian still attracted attention. In view of the importance of verbal taboos as an inevitable part of the language and its difficulty for translators in encountering with them the importance of this study would be revealed. Finally, Ghazizadeh and Mardani (2012) in their study titled as â€Å"Strategic Examination of Translator in Translating Western Taboo in Dubbing English Movies into Farsi† have pointed out language in the same extent can be used for expressing thoughts and communicating that can be used as a tool for obstructing propagation of certain opinions too. For example, taboo terms derive from the ideology and a set of beliefs of different nations about certain contents which they transfer in the process of translation give rise to lingual and cultural problems. Since cinema products are among main tracts of transferring culture components such as taboo, the matter of translating such products in the form of subtitle or dubbing is of high importance. Yet fewer studies have been conducted in this regard. In the current study it has been attempted that through a descriptive study of dubbing English movies into Farsi, translator's strategies are examined in translating the language and cultural Western taboo terms and concepts. The results of their research revealed that the most common strategies regarding language taboo expressions are finding equivalent for them, compensating and for cultural taboo, those are manipulating, modification and using non-taboo equivalents. Among the Works Applied in the Field of Translation of Taboo Terms and Concepts in Abroad: Midjord (2013) in her M.A. thesis titled as â€Å"On the Subtitling of Swear Words: The Case Study of Flickering Lights† with a special focus on the translation of the word fuck as an interest in exploring how the swear words are translated in the process of subtitling from Danish into English. The results of her study revealed that in English speaking countries the most frequently used swear words derive from the religion, sex and bodily effluvia, while in the Danish language the most frequently used swear words derive from the religion, diseases, sex and bodily effluvia. Moreover, the analysis showed that many swear words have either been translated directly or deleted completely in the subtitles. With more than half of the swear words deleted in the target text, it can be discussed, whether there is a loss of the understanding of the environment and the characters' personalities in the film. However, on the basis of reviews from English speaking persons, this does not seem to have been a problem, which could indicate that the subtitler has made the right choices in the subtitling of the swear words in Flickering Lights movie.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Incremental Analysis Essay

Incremental in comprehensive analyses both serve similar purposes in decision making in the workplace. The argument is that incremental is more economical than and just as effective as comprehensive analyses. Since both are used to make important decisions within a company, which one will serve the best purpose while still being justifiable and cost effective to complete? Both will complete the same task, but one will do it better and we will be explaining why incremental analyses are the better ones to use. Incremental Analysis Incremental analysis is important and standardized approach to determine various business decisions concerning cost and revenue. This tool is very crucial and time saving; it leads in a systematic way to identify the probable effects of decisions on future earnings in order to make better decisions concerning the profitability of the company. Management utilizes incremental analysis to identify relevant information related to costs and revenues associated and impacted by the decision; this information is further compared to make the most profitable decision. Examples of decisions best made through incremental analysis include – whether to accept an order at special price, make-or-buy, sell or process further, retain or replace equipment, eliminate an unprofitable segment decision and allocate limited resources, and decisions (Kimmel, 2011). Comprehensive Analysis Comprehensive analysis is the financial term used for evaluating every financial detail of the entire operation in a company. The purpose of conducting comprehensive analysis is to determine a company’s present financial position as well as its expected financial standing in the future. In conducting comprehensive analysis, both current and historical fiscal reports must be collected to analyze the status of the company’s investments. These reports are also needed to calculate the financial ratios of different companies. Determining the financial ratios is the next step when conducting comprehensive analysis as these ratios will determine the company’s performance and its effectiveness. The ratios will give a snap shot of the company’s overall financial condition, strengths and weaknesses of its financial activities which will help creditors and investors decide  whether company is worth investing in. And finally, compare the company’s ratio, to the ratio of another organization with similar production processes to determine if the company will succeed or needs enhancement. Disagree/ or Agree According to our research we have come to an agreement that Incremental Analysis is the best decision and focus tool that we have. The reasoning is because it reveals faster results and cost less. Another two are when reports are shown and analysis are done it reveals the same results. It also focus on a specific subject or topic. Incremental analysis also pulls reports and help management make decisions whether to accept orders, to make a product or purchase, sell and process products furthers, or even the retaining and replacement of equipment that are used by the business. References JIm, B., & Hughes, M.C. (2014, April). What is comprehensive analysis. Wise Geek, (). Retrieved from Virtual Advisors Inc. (2011) Analyzing your financial ratios retrieved from

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The 1893 Financial Panic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The 1893 Financial Panic - Essay Example The financial crisis was as a result of various factors that will be addressed in this section. At the time of the crisis on February that year, America was highly expecting that its economy had picked and growth would be evident in the coming years. However, the collapse of the Baring Brothers bank which was an Argentinian agent bank led to a bump in the banking sector that affected other banks and consequently the US treasury at the time. The banks failure to pick up in the competitive banking environment was as a result of the failure in the wheat industry which came hand in hand with the coup at the Buenos Aires. These two occurrences acted as the last blow to its investments. Due to the shock, the US treasury started to work on a run on gold strategy due to the fact that investors in the sector still wanted to cash in their investments. The treasury did not want to scare the investors away as that would be more catastrophic and the prospects of recovering would be weak. In the meantime, too much investments were heaped on the railroad construction as it seemed a way of boosting business and consequently the economy. The result was that the economy was totally injured. The prices of various commodities including the ones in the agricultural sector dropped significantly adding to the misery. As the economy was hit and the banking sector seemed to crumble, people rushed to withdraw their money to avoid the loss that would follow if the banks collapsed with their money. This caused bank runs. To add to the already worsened situation, the United Kingdom was also hit by a financial crisis at a similar time and the result was that people who had invested in the American industry rushed to sell their stock and recover their investment capital. For a long time, Europe had been trading with the US. At the time of the crisis, the economy of various European countries was not good and that had an effect on America. As discussed earlier

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Quebec before and after the Quiet Revolution Research Paper

Quebec before and after the Quiet Revolution - Research Paper Example The origin of the Quite Revolution years was the Duplessis regime characterized by social conservation, isolation and generally negative autonomist stands3. The hopes and energies unleashed during the period of Quite Revolution shook the very foundation of Canada and the impact is still being felt up to date. In his reign as the Prime Minister of Quebec and the leader behind the Quite Revolution, Lesage introduced a slogan known as "Maitres chez nous" (Masters in our own house) which best represented his years as the leader of Quebec. The fundamental belief in Quebec, during the period of Quite Revolution, was that the French Canadians should not be contented with playing a second class responsibility in political, social and economical matters and that the fundamental aspect of the community development rested in the utilization of the distinct tool which was collectively controlled by the French Canadians: the state of Quebec, and hence in the denunciation of the anti-statism of th e past. In this regard the government of Lesage became the tool and the symbol of a whole people on the road to self-assertion. The Duplessis regime is largely challenged by many social scientists today. However, there is no doubt that the end of Duplessis regime and the succeeding election of Jean Lesage as the leader of Liberal party, introduced a period of massive changes and activities, which later amounted to a Revolution. Quebec Before 1960 Prior to the 1960s, Quebec was governed by Maurice Duplessis. Duplessis was a conservative and the leader of Union National Party. During his tenure as the government controller, election fraud and corruption was eminent and common practices in Quebec. Even though he was not supported Catholic Church as a whole as some Catholic clergies and Unions criticized him, Duplessis enjoyed enormous support from small towns and rural clergies sometimes even quoting the Union dominant Slogan â€Å"Le ciel est bleu† (the sky/ heaven is blue), â €Å"l'enfer est rouge† (hell is red) - which referred to Union National colors (red) and the Liberals (red)4. The liberals were accused of being pro-communist by the Union. The newspaper Le Devoir, Radio Canada and political journal Cite’ Libre were intellectual forum for Duplessis critics5. Prior to the Quite Revolution, Quebec’s natural resources were mainly developed by foreign investors. For example iron mining was done by Iron Company of Canada which was based in U.S. in 1949 a group of asbestos miners engaged in a three month strike. The strike led to the formation of Quebecer miners united which opposes the foreign corporation nationalists system and the Catholic Clergies who backed the American company (l 1998). The voice of the miners did not go unnoticed and they received support from Monsignor Charbonneau, Bishop of Montreal, group of intellectual individuals, Quebecois nationalist newspaper and many other groups and individuals who were mainly oppose d to the Duplessis system of governance. Until the mid 20th century, quite a number of Francophone Quebec workers lived below poverty line and did not have an opportunity to join the executive class of businessmen in their province6. For some reasons, the death of Duplessis in 1959, followed by the death of Paul Sauve, his successor, elicited the start of the Quite Revolut

Monday, October 7, 2019

Managing business ethics in China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Managing business ethics in China - Essay Example In the modern day business world, a manager needs to ensure adherence to business ethics in a firm’s quest for profiteering motives. However, recent developments have resulted in varied definitions of ethics, and each person has to use own judgement to differentiate between ethical and unethical practise. Moreover, the capacity of a business to adhere to ethical expectations is dependent on political, social, economic, and environmental factors of a market. This means that a firm should balance its business practice with environmental and social responsibility, and in adherence to the ethical guidelines stipulated by the government in the country of operation. In essence, the highest level of ethical practice involves business practices that aim to ensure economic, environmental and social sustainability. The Chinese economy is characterized with widespread criticism on high levels of unethical practices; including corruption that is touted to be the most detrimental factor of the economy. However, recent changes have seen a change in focus to adherence to ethical guidelines by managers, most of whom are learning how to incorporate the system into their businesses without seeming to suffer from the alienation by western values. The Chinese investors insist on charting their own path to ethical practice despite the assimilation of various western characteristics into its economic system. On august 26, 2010, Landau reported on BBC about a businessperson who tried to incorporate Christianity as a tool to entrench ethical practice among his employees, mainly by encouraging his employees to convert to the Christian faith. While this practice is not illegal, it brings up the question of how far managers can go to ensure ethical practises in their firms (Landau, 2010). Factors Influencing Et hical Practice in China Many factors have been blamed for the widespread unethical practices in China, but the most outstanding ones are philosophical beliefs, globalisation and the rapid changes that the Chinese economy undergoes. Philosophical Beliefs The main philosophical approaches taken by the Chinese are Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism, all of which are based on the teachings of prominent thinkers who resided in the Far East. Confucius, the father of Confucianism, taught that the first obligation of every person is to the family, such that everyone is expected to take care of the needs of family members and close friends before extending favours to others. While this is a convenient way of living in day-to-day life, the philosophy may be destructive in the business world, as managers tend to hire their family members regardless of their qualifications. This has resulted in poor quality of Chinese products; erosion of work ethics since a favour leads to another, and the cycl e goes on despite detrimental effects to the economy. However, this does not mean that Confucianism only has negative effects on ethics; in fact, if applied correctly, the philosophy has three main aspects that promote ethical practise. These include the teachings on obedience, following laid down guidelines, and humanity (Suen, Cheung and Mondejar, 2007). Taoism incorporates the principles of learning the details of one's profession for improved workmanship, and promotion of maximum good for the greatest number of people. In addition, Taoism results in increased efficiency at the workplace though this is not the prime concern of the philosophy. Buddhism is the philosophy that encourages business personality to respect and preserve the business environment; and to create a healthy relationship between the business and the community around it. Any manager intending to do ethical business in China has to have an understanding of the perceptions of

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Bilby Case Study- persuassive writing portfolio Essay

Bilby Case Study- persuassive writing portfolio - Essay Example The future, any future, hospital or no hospital, is built on the foundation of our past: Our natural history and our man-made heritage. A new hospital is a brilliant idea. Destroying our natural history and heritage to build a new hospital is nothing but a headlong rush into the future with a foundation of sand: A race to the future with no foundation in the past. Bilbys blessing, and its curse, is its persona as a byword for local tranquility. Located off the highway, a century-and-a-half after the Gold Rush, time had largely past Bilby by until the production of City Stress, Country Pleasures. Now, Bilby is famous as the home of local tranquility, and its future, is contingent on preserving that image. A new district hospital will do nothing to facilitate that image and, if anything, undermine it. The development of Bilby, in a sustainable manner, must be predicated on preservation of local tranquility. Visitors seeking pastoral peace and quiet not visiting hospital patients are the key to Bilbys future. Preservation and restoration of the natural environment not enhancing the built environment is the key to Bilbys future. Preservation and restoration of Bilbys built heritage, not new development, is the key to Bilbys future success. John Russell, founder of Bilby Landcare, will be hosting a special event at the entrance to the Bilby Cemetery on Saturday, January 8, 2011 at noon. It will kick-off Bilby Landcares campaign to protect the cemetery and the community from reckless development. Joining John will be Garrett Pietro of Grassroots who will be debuting his new song about preserving the natural and built heritage of Bilby. John Russells past, present and future are embedded in Bilby. Born and raised here he left Bilby for university and returned to take over Russell Native Nursery in 1993. His commitment to the community deepened further when he stood for election to the shire council. Johns personal, professional and political lives are all

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Final Project Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Final Project - Assignment Example Several criteria exist for optimizing organizational performance, and these criteria are also important in organizational assessment. This paper will seek to identify and analyze the quality gaps that exist in the University of California - San Diego Medical School through performance enhancement criteria, and then proceed to discuss concepts of performance excellence, continuous quality improvement and total quality management and how they apply to UCSD Medical School. The role of the leadership in UCSD Medical School in fostering and sustaining organizational and clinical quality will also be studied. Organizational assessment allows businesses to determine their current state in terms of quality and performance and as a result formulate policies and strategies for the way forward (Perkins, Verladi, Nightingale and Rifkin p. 1). The initial assessment is important in the identification of performance gaps within an organization and hence an indicator of the areas that should receive priority. After undertaking a transformational path, organizational assessment is important in appraisal of the progress made in the achievement of the desired performance. As opposed to traditional departmental or group performance assessment, organizational performance involves a study of the wide structural and functional aspects of an organization which enable such an organization to develop and implement policies that are sustainable in the achievement of both long term and short term goals. Organizational assessment is a holistic strategy for examining the strengths and weaknesses of the program s being implemented in an organization, and besides this internal perspective, it can also serve as a measure of an organization’s performance against its competitors (Perkins et al. p. 2). The criteria utilized to enhance organizational performance are also the same ones used in organizational assessment. For a health institution such as the UCSD

Friday, October 4, 2019

Three Key Learnings Essay Example for Free

Three Key Learnings Essay This course had been a strong push for me in my career as it has given me the key skills that I needed to face the challenges that I am to face as a professional individual in my field of interest. Undeniably, the skills that I have learned made me more confident in handling real hands-on-basis activities that are to be presented to me in the actual field of work that I am to undergo. These skill enhancements have certainly made me more confident in presenting software that would be much helpful in the field of technological development in the society today.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The qualitative research elements that have been presented to us through this course made me more knowledgeable in handling new era developments in the field of Computer Technology. Improving the existing computer software being used today has become one of the main goals that I have set for myself because of the exposure that I had with qualitative research approach studies. Undermining the different strengths and weaknesses of the existing computer programs today has made me greatly interested the process of enhancing and developing more sophisticated programs that would appear much helpful in the process of improving the systems of the current computer technology situation in the society.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In terms of analyzing other sets of studies that aim to present the different details about several software-programs prepared to present the pros and the cons of the systems in actual applications, this course has made me more confident in the presentations that I am making to be able to handle several analysis reports. Undeniably, this course me more dependable and a lot more competent in my field of study as I am now able to become more practically critical with the works that I am presenting to the officials of my profession and to the public as well. This course actually gave me a clear view on what grave responsibilities I am about to take in as I take steps forward in accepting this profession. True, facing a highly technological world is a huge responsibility for individuals such as my type. But with the right skills and right disposition in facing the challenges of the profession that I am to accept, the said responsibilities could be well performed for the betterment of the larger population of the human society that I am about to serve.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   On the part of synthesizing the studies that are further performed to help in the process of computer technology’s development for the present world of commerce and world connections, I have been able to see the difference of simply understanding the issue from that of directly making solutions for the issues that are concerned with the current computer applications used today. I have learned that seeing deeply in the problem is one particular key that enhances the analysis of the programs thus equipping the analysts the needed understanding that they have to posses to be able to deal with the issues of the system.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Overall, from this course, I was able to recognize what it is that I have to deal with in facing the major issues concerned with computer technology today. Through the skills that I have learned and the attitude that I have gained, I realized how important my profession is for the modern society that we are living with today.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Temperature change for CaCO3 and HCI

Temperature change for CaCO3 and HCI Research questions: When the temperature is digressed, or increased will the CaCO3 and HCI have a faster reaction? What happens when the reaction is happening? What happens when Caco3 and HCI meet each other? Answers: When calcium carbonate is heated it first reacts to the acid then after a while it turns CaCO3 into calcium Hydroxide. Its formed when ions bonds react to the acid which makes electric charge so it heats up. When CaCO3 and HCI reacts, it forms calcium chloride, water and carbon dioxide. The reaction between both compounds requires two parts HCI and CaCO3. The reaction is rapid and energetic at high concentrations. Large part due high affinity of calcium ions for chloride ions Depending on the temperature when Calcium chloride and Hydrochloric acid meet. Its charges start moving rapidly and a reaction will start to begin much faster. Both charges combine for a reaction to occur. Background info: The topic we have chosen is how temperature can change   calcium carbonate and hydrochloric acid In different temperature like the normal temperature cold and hot. (dont know the science behind it yet) A reaction rate is the speed on how fast or slow the chemical reaction proceeds It is often said in terms of either concentration the amount of unit volume of a product that is formed in a unit of time.   When you increase the temperature, the particles speed up a lot but when you cool them down they get slower.   when its heated there is a faster reaction rate but when temperature is lowered, the reactions takes a lot longer cause the particles dont have a lot of energy has they would when heated. The collision theory is for ta chemical reaction to occur the reactant particles must collide together. Collisons with too little energy do not produce a reaction. It must have enough collisions to the energy can make the particles react. (still got to add research) The experiment the team is doing is testing what temperature change does to calcium carbonate and hydrochloric acid. The way my research questions are going to help with the experiment is the ones I have are what we are manly looking for like. How long it takes for a reaction to occur, will the temperature change the original element. (forgot what my third was) they are what we manly are curious of and trying to find. (using photos as diagrams if I can) The chemical equation for calcium carbonate and hydrochloric acid is CaCO3+HCI-CaCI2+CO2+H20 Aim: The aim of the experiment is to exam if temperature changes the rate of reaction for CaCO3 and HCI for cold, hot and medium temperature. Hypothesis: It is hypothesised that when CaCO3 meets HCI it will react faster depending of the temperature. If the temperature is hotter it will have more energy cause its warm but if its colder they will react much slower cause they have a cold and have less energy. Its like real life people when cold we dont want to do anything but hot we want to do lots. When its medium temperature it will have a medium reaction rate. Equipment list: Beakers (x3) Thermometer Hot plate Ice cream bucket with ice Measuring tube Stop watches (x3) Calcium carbonate (3 grams) Scales Hydrochloric acid (144m total) Safety glasses Apron Gloves Method: Throughout the experiment everyone was required to wear the following safety gear glasses, apron and gloves. For the experiment after the group put all the Safety gear on the bench and on them. they moved on to grabbing the equipment then moving it slowly and carefully to the work bench. Once everything was out on the bench ready then the group grabbed the Calcium carbonate(CaCO3) and hydrochloric acid (HCI) then measured out the right amount for both scales were used for the CaCO3 and measuring tube for the HCI. After the HCI was poured into the beaker it was put in bucket full of ice or on a hotplate then the calcium went in. After five minutes of the hot plate or ice been in the bucket check the temp also make sure you remember the reaction rate time. After the experiment is complete pack up and clean the equipment then return all of it. Make sure you let the hotplates cool down before touching them. Experiment diagram: Risk table: Possible risks Solutions Glass break Get a dust pan and brush then put the glass in the hazard box also warn others about the glass Chemical spill on you If in eyes wash for a couple of mins at the eye wash but if on skin wash it off straight away at the sink or the shower Tripping Make sure all chairs and charger cords are not on the ground also make sure shoe lace is done up Hot plate Dont touch if hot wait for it to cool down Ingestion Dont swallow the chemicals Breathing in the chemical Dont sniff or purposely breath in the chemical Temperature results for CaCO3 and HCI: Calcium carbonate and hydrochloric acid temp change Temp before combining the two elements Temp after (checked (degrees) Time for the reaction to occur and finish (start of reaction -finish of reaction) 1 cold 5 5 30 seconds 1 Medium 24 25 14 seconds 1 hot 45 47 7 seconds 2 cold 5 5 32seconds 2 medium 24 25 14 seconds 2 hot 45 46 8 Seconds Observations: When the calcium carbonate and hydrochloric acid was put together for the cold test it triggered a reaction straight away a lot of bumbles built up and punched to the top almost going over the top of the beaker. All the calcium was all gone except some tiny parts for the normal temperature test it did the same put after the calcium started to dissolve. Discussion: In the test, there was some patterns that we saw for the results such as cold temp had a slow reaction at the end but it was a bit fast at start cause the water around the beaker was still getting colder the temperature stayed the same. A reaction for cold lasted for around 20-25 seconds. For the medium test, it started at a temp of 24 for both and only increased by one, a reaction started and ended in about 10-15 seconds. Hot was a lot different with a starting temperature of 45 and increased to 47 the reaction happened rapidly in about 5 seconds for it to start and end. The information I collected was accurate about what would happen and thats what happened in the test. It said hot temperature reaction is faster because it has a lot more energy in it but when cold and medium the temperature is much slower especially for the cold. Some parts of the research werent fully accurate but some of it was. My hypothesis was supported for this experiment I did predict that the hotter the faster reaction but cold has a much more slower reaction. Hot warms up everything giving it a lot more energy to do stuff so when it reaches a curtain heat a reaction will start. Cold has a slower reaction because it has a cold just like humans when we get a cold we have no energy at all and just cant do anything. The this could be used is finding out the right temperature to use to craft medals or just products in general or to test for whats the right temperature for plants and stuff to grow. Evaluation: The experiment went well at the start and all through except for a couple of miss calculation with our choice of measuring. There was a bit to much HCI added to test when we should have had less of it, when they elements combined it almost overflowed out of the beaker. But in the last test everything still ended up as the same results and finished with no drama. The team did well but sometimes one member kept touching and ruining what we just fixed up. A couple of things that could be improved is the team work and making sure we do our calculations right so the beaker doesnt almost overflow. Conclusion: The full experiment went mostly perfect but it was solved in the end. Evan that we have some bad teamwork and miss calculations we got it done. Our results were normal and weird the reaction went fantastic as well did the time. Our calculations were a bit off with a bit too much but all solved in the end. Things that could be improved next time is the team work. Its the key part for a perfect experiment. Some things that went fantastic would have to of been the time we go each one down and the perfect times and temperatures. If all the bad part were gone it would have been the perfect test. Reference list: Pearson science text book YouTube Class notes Had other websites but forgot what they were