Thursday, October 3, 2019

Temperature change for CaCO3 and HCI

Temperature change for CaCO3 and HCI Research questions: When the temperature is digressed, or increased will the CaCO3 and HCI have a faster reaction? What happens when the reaction is happening? What happens when Caco3 and HCI meet each other? Answers: When calcium carbonate is heated it first reacts to the acid then after a while it turns CaCO3 into calcium Hydroxide. Its formed when ions bonds react to the acid which makes electric charge so it heats up. When CaCO3 and HCI reacts, it forms calcium chloride, water and carbon dioxide. The reaction between both compounds requires two parts HCI and CaCO3. The reaction is rapid and energetic at high concentrations. Large part due high affinity of calcium ions for chloride ions Depending on the temperature when Calcium chloride and Hydrochloric acid meet. Its charges start moving rapidly and a reaction will start to begin much faster. Both charges combine for a reaction to occur. Background info: The topic we have chosen is how temperature can change   calcium carbonate and hydrochloric acid In different temperature like the normal temperature cold and hot. (dont know the science behind it yet) A reaction rate is the speed on how fast or slow the chemical reaction proceeds It is often said in terms of either concentration the amount of unit volume of a product that is formed in a unit of time.   When you increase the temperature, the particles speed up a lot but when you cool them down they get slower.   when its heated there is a faster reaction rate but when temperature is lowered, the reactions takes a lot longer cause the particles dont have a lot of energy has they would when heated. The collision theory is for ta chemical reaction to occur the reactant particles must collide together. Collisons with too little energy do not produce a reaction. It must have enough collisions to the energy can make the particles react. (still got to add research) The experiment the team is doing is testing what temperature change does to calcium carbonate and hydrochloric acid. The way my research questions are going to help with the experiment is the ones I have are what we are manly looking for like. How long it takes for a reaction to occur, will the temperature change the original element. (forgot what my third was) they are what we manly are curious of and trying to find. (using photos as diagrams if I can) The chemical equation for calcium carbonate and hydrochloric acid is CaCO3+HCI-CaCI2+CO2+H20 Aim: The aim of the experiment is to exam if temperature changes the rate of reaction for CaCO3 and HCI for cold, hot and medium temperature. Hypothesis: It is hypothesised that when CaCO3 meets HCI it will react faster depending of the temperature. If the temperature is hotter it will have more energy cause its warm but if its colder they will react much slower cause they have a cold and have less energy. Its like real life people when cold we dont want to do anything but hot we want to do lots. When its medium temperature it will have a medium reaction rate. Equipment list: Beakers (x3) Thermometer Hot plate Ice cream bucket with ice Measuring tube Stop watches (x3) Calcium carbonate (3 grams) Scales Hydrochloric acid (144m total) Safety glasses Apron Gloves Method: Throughout the experiment everyone was required to wear the following safety gear glasses, apron and gloves. For the experiment after the group put all the Safety gear on the bench and on them. they moved on to grabbing the equipment then moving it slowly and carefully to the work bench. Once everything was out on the bench ready then the group grabbed the Calcium carbonate(CaCO3) and hydrochloric acid (HCI) then measured out the right amount for both scales were used for the CaCO3 and measuring tube for the HCI. After the HCI was poured into the beaker it was put in bucket full of ice or on a hotplate then the calcium went in. After five minutes of the hot plate or ice been in the bucket check the temp also make sure you remember the reaction rate time. After the experiment is complete pack up and clean the equipment then return all of it. Make sure you let the hotplates cool down before touching them. Experiment diagram: Risk table: Possible risks Solutions Glass break Get a dust pan and brush then put the glass in the hazard box also warn others about the glass Chemical spill on you If in eyes wash for a couple of mins at the eye wash but if on skin wash it off straight away at the sink or the shower Tripping Make sure all chairs and charger cords are not on the ground also make sure shoe lace is done up Hot plate Dont touch if hot wait for it to cool down Ingestion Dont swallow the chemicals Breathing in the chemical Dont sniff or purposely breath in the chemical Temperature results for CaCO3 and HCI: Calcium carbonate and hydrochloric acid temp change Temp before combining the two elements Temp after (checked (degrees) Time for the reaction to occur and finish (start of reaction -finish of reaction) 1 cold 5 5 30 seconds 1 Medium 24 25 14 seconds 1 hot 45 47 7 seconds 2 cold 5 5 32seconds 2 medium 24 25 14 seconds 2 hot 45 46 8 Seconds Observations: When the calcium carbonate and hydrochloric acid was put together for the cold test it triggered a reaction straight away a lot of bumbles built up and punched to the top almost going over the top of the beaker. All the calcium was all gone except some tiny parts for the normal temperature test it did the same put after the calcium started to dissolve. Discussion: In the test, there was some patterns that we saw for the results such as cold temp had a slow reaction at the end but it was a bit fast at start cause the water around the beaker was still getting colder the temperature stayed the same. A reaction for cold lasted for around 20-25 seconds. For the medium test, it started at a temp of 24 for both and only increased by one, a reaction started and ended in about 10-15 seconds. Hot was a lot different with a starting temperature of 45 and increased to 47 the reaction happened rapidly in about 5 seconds for it to start and end. The information I collected was accurate about what would happen and thats what happened in the test. It said hot temperature reaction is faster because it has a lot more energy in it but when cold and medium the temperature is much slower especially for the cold. Some parts of the research werent fully accurate but some of it was. My hypothesis was supported for this experiment I did predict that the hotter the faster reaction but cold has a much more slower reaction. Hot warms up everything giving it a lot more energy to do stuff so when it reaches a curtain heat a reaction will start. Cold has a slower reaction because it has a cold just like humans when we get a cold we have no energy at all and just cant do anything. The this could be used is finding out the right temperature to use to craft medals or just products in general or to test for whats the right temperature for plants and stuff to grow. Evaluation: The experiment went well at the start and all through except for a couple of miss calculation with our choice of measuring. There was a bit to much HCI added to test when we should have had less of it, when they elements combined it almost overflowed out of the beaker. But in the last test everything still ended up as the same results and finished with no drama. The team did well but sometimes one member kept touching and ruining what we just fixed up. A couple of things that could be improved is the team work and making sure we do our calculations right so the beaker doesnt almost overflow. Conclusion: The full experiment went mostly perfect but it was solved in the end. Evan that we have some bad teamwork and miss calculations we got it done. Our results were normal and weird the reaction went fantastic as well did the time. Our calculations were a bit off with a bit too much but all solved in the end. Things that could be improved next time is the team work. Its the key part for a perfect experiment. Some things that went fantastic would have to of been the time we go each one down and the perfect times and temperatures. If all the bad part were gone it would have been the perfect test. Reference list: Pearson science text book YouTube Class notes Had other websites but forgot what they were

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