Friday, January 31, 2020

Outline Research Into Institutional Aggression Essay Example for Free

Outline Research Into Institutional Aggression Essay Institutional aggression is aggressive behaviour displayed within an institutional situation such as a school or prison. Most research into institutional aggression has been conducted in prisons. One explanation of institutionalised aggression is the importation model- dispositional factors. This model suggests that prisoners bring (import) their own social histories and traits with them to the prison environment and these influence their subsequent behavious (Irwin and Cressey, 1962). Most of the aggressive behaviour studied in the prison situation is not specific to that situation- the same behaviour was carried out in wider society by the same individuals. Such people bring with them into a prison a ready-made way of behaving which they just use in their new institutional setting (Cheeseman, 2003). Irwin and Cressey realised the importance of different prisoner subcultures and identified three. Firstly; the criminal or thief subculture, the prisoner follow the norms and values that are present in the professional thief or criminal careers, such as not betraying one another and being trustworthy. Secondly; the convict subculture, the subject has been raised in the prison system. They seek positions of power and influence and are therefore most likely to turn to aggression or another maladaptive form of coping. and the conventional or straight subculture tend to be one-time offenders and were not part of a criminal or thief subculture before entering prison. They reject the other two subcultures and identify more with the prison staff. This group is least likely to be aggressive. The three subcultures are better at explaining offenders who do not reoffend then some other explanations of institutional aggression. It suggests we have some degree of free will and explains that some offenders will not re-offend.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Alcohol :: essays research papers

After maneuvering through a herd of people, the ultimate goal of the night is found, the keg. The party is full of people just looking to have a good time on a Friday night and alcohol just waiting to be consumed by the partygoers. As the night progresses, the keg empties, and the minds and motor skills of the partygoers have deteriorated. Some can no longer control their actions or sense what is happening in their surroundings. Though according to them, their current state is well worth the trouble because they had a good time at the party. Alcohol and its effects are far too accepted in today’s society. In life, the biggest role models for children are their own parents. Too often is the case where minors are allowed a small sip from Dad’s beer just to obtain a taste. From there, these children see that if their own parent allowed them to drink, then it must be perfectly normal to consume alcohol as a minor. The legal drinking age is a law that seems to go unnoticed by teenagers who want to get an early start on consumption. High school students are beginning to drink at an earlier age as more underclassmen are experimenting with the party scene. They are naturally curious of what drinking is like, and without parents standing in the way at parties, there is nobody to stop them from drinking. One thing that seems to allure the younger drinkers is the highly publicized state of being drunk. Not being in control over one’s body would seemingly be a state that most would want to avoid. However, they see it as an excuse for actions that they would most likely not have done if it were not for the alcohol. Too often is the case where others will not hold a person liable for the things they do while drunk. In Dorothy Parker’s You Were Perfectly Fine, Peter had become ridiculously drunk the night before and awakes in the apartment of a woman. How often is the case where people will find themselves waking up in a strange place with no recollection of what took place the night before? This scenario definitely sounds familiar because of the portrayal on television of this being a natural occurrence following a night of heavy drinking. In most cases, both parties would be absolutely embarrassed when they realize what took place. Alcohol :: essays research papers After maneuvering through a herd of people, the ultimate goal of the night is found, the keg. The party is full of people just looking to have a good time on a Friday night and alcohol just waiting to be consumed by the partygoers. As the night progresses, the keg empties, and the minds and motor skills of the partygoers have deteriorated. Some can no longer control their actions or sense what is happening in their surroundings. Though according to them, their current state is well worth the trouble because they had a good time at the party. Alcohol and its effects are far too accepted in today’s society. In life, the biggest role models for children are their own parents. Too often is the case where minors are allowed a small sip from Dad’s beer just to obtain a taste. From there, these children see that if their own parent allowed them to drink, then it must be perfectly normal to consume alcohol as a minor. The legal drinking age is a law that seems to go unnoticed by teenagers who want to get an early start on consumption. High school students are beginning to drink at an earlier age as more underclassmen are experimenting with the party scene. They are naturally curious of what drinking is like, and without parents standing in the way at parties, there is nobody to stop them from drinking. One thing that seems to allure the younger drinkers is the highly publicized state of being drunk. Not being in control over one’s body would seemingly be a state that most would want to avoid. However, they see it as an excuse for actions that they would most likely not have done if it were not for the alcohol. Too often is the case where others will not hold a person liable for the things they do while drunk. In Dorothy Parker’s You Were Perfectly Fine, Peter had become ridiculously drunk the night before and awakes in the apartment of a woman. How often is the case where people will find themselves waking up in a strange place with no recollection of what took place the night before? This scenario definitely sounds familiar because of the portrayal on television of this being a natural occurrence following a night of heavy drinking. In most cases, both parties would be absolutely embarrassed when they realize what took place.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Welcome Stranger (English Belonging Related Text)

Name of Text:â€Å"Welcome Stranger† Composer & Date of Publication:Stephanie Dowrick, 2008 Type of Text:Feature Article What is the text about? The text basically gets you to question whether you are an includer or excluder. It’s about people fitting in to different groups at all ages. Identify links to belonging: What elements of this text explore the concept of belonging? The whole text explores people’s connections to others in different groups and settings and questions our role in our sense of belonging and how we make other’s feel. Consider the composer’s purpose/intention: Why do you think the composer made this text?She’s giving her opinion and trying to persuade her audience to be more inclusive. She is informing her audience of the benefits of being inclusive. Who is the target audience for this text? Adult, professional audience. Identify the mood/tone of the text: (e. g. peaceful, anxious, cynical, hopeful, confused etc†¦ ) Critical, serious, persuasive, highly emotive. Identify forms and features relevant to the concept of belonging: Form and structure: argument, narrative, interview†¦ Feature Article Literary techniques: register, alliteration, similes, contrast, repetition, metaphors†¦Rhetorical question, imagery, appeal to emotions, alliteration, high modality, metaphor. Visual techniques: colour, layout, reading paths/vectors, modality, camera angles, colour, sound None Quotation Technique Effect How it represents belonging Do you give much thought to whether you are an â€Å"includer† by nature-or not? Rhetorical QuestionOpening rhetorical question engages the audience my making them stop to think. This article shows the enormous power that we as people have to enrich communities, groups and other peoples’ lives, including our own. â€Å"the image of a child standing alone in a crowded playground†.Imagery It appeals to our sense of emotions and fear of isolation. It represents a child not belonging in the group. â€Å"vital sense of inclusion† High Modality Emphasises how important belonging is. Very persuasive. It depicts perceptions of belonging and how important it is for our wellbeing that we do belong. â€Å"They are society’s treasures† Metaphor It positions us to want be one of those treasures/ it’s persuasive. We can identify with a treasure, because we all want to be treasured, that is looked after and appreciated-after all that is what is belonging is al about.What are the characters’ / persona’s / composer’s perceptions of their belonging? The composer’s perception of belonging is that it is important, and it is just as important to offer belonging to others, to give it, as well as to take it. What are the characters’ / persona’s / composer’s experiences and notions of: identity? Belonging gives people a sense of identity which provides security and happine ss. relationships? Our sense of belonging is dependent upon our connections with others. acceptance? Do we accept others. understanding? We have to understand people, the need to belong.Are there characters who enrich or challenge the group? Explain how they do this. The includers are the ones who encrich the community and the excluders challenge the community. Are attitudes to belonging modified over time? Do any characters make choices not to belong? Are there any barriers preventing belonging? The people who excluder others. How is this text similar or different to Strictly Ballroom? Similar: -ideas about belonging: both question the individual’s role and ability to enrich or challenge group -ideas of not belonging is explored in both texts both broaden our understanding of ourselves and the world- we question our own behaviour and the behaviour of others -both explore relationships and connections with people, groups and communities. -both explore notions of acceptance an d understanding -both explore barriers to belonging Different: -form: feature article and film -techniques: persuasive language and film techniques -purpose: to persuade, give an opinion and inform and to entrain -audience: professional 2008 and 1980’s adults

Monday, January 6, 2020

Obesity And Diabetes Obesity Essay - 992 Words

Niousha Aramimehr†¨Dr. Van der Wal†¨Eng 101#27574†¨Essay# 2 Review of Literature Obesity and Diabetes Obesity in the United States has more than doubled over the past four decades. Prevalence of obesity cause many other disease such as diabetes and heart issues. Obesity can be described as a health condition of a person or people of a population that have excess body fat. Diabetes is a disease related to high level of blood sugar in the blood. Obesity and diabetes are among disease that have direct relationship with each other. As obesity increase in a population, diabetes increases too. Jennifer B.Marks, Professor of Medicine at the University of Miami Miller researches in â€Å"Obesity in America: it’s getting worse†, Roger Z. Joanne a public health provider in the Obesity Action Coalition group researches in â€Å"Obesity and type 2 Diabetes†, Eckel H. Robert, Professor of Medicine in Colorado University researches in â€Å"Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes: What can be Unified and What needs to Be Individualized†, and Obesity Society gr oup researches in â€Å"Your weight and diabetes†, mention that while obesity and diabetes have different definition in medical process, the reason why people become obese and diabetic as well as how to prevent them is same. Eating larger portion size than what the body needs , lack of physical activity, and putting foods without good quality in diet are the major reasons that people become obese. Jennifer B. Marks in the research article, â€Å"Obesity in America:Show MoreRelatedObesity : Obesity And Diabetes833 Words   |  4 Pagesthe past several years, obesity has become a serious health concern in all around the world, Including the United States; overweight is at least partly responsible for the dramatic increase in diagnoses of type two diabetes (on-set diabetes) among children and adults. Diabesity is the label for diabetes occurring in the context of obesity (McNaughton 71 ). In Diabesity and the stigmatization of lifestyle in Australia we diagnose the correlatio n between obesity and diabetes; whether one of them isRead MoreObesity : Diabetes And Obesity2274 Words   |  10 PagesDiabetes and Obesity in Southside Coalition One of the obesity characteristics include having metabolic syndrome for risk factors diseases such as cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes (Feizi, et. al, 2015). The prevalence of type 2 diabetes is becoming a significant problem in the United States. In fact since the 1990’s, only 1 -2 % of children with diabetes mellitus had type 2 diabetes and rates have grown since then (Rodbard, 2008). To help reduce the prevalence of these disorders, the DiabetesRead MoreThe Rate Of Obesity And Diabetes2465 Words   |  10 PagesIntroduction The rates of obesity and diabetes in mothers are quickly increasing across America. As it stands, roughly 40 percent of all women are obese, with over half of women in childbearing age being overweight, according to an article published in ScienceNews (Beil 2016). Diabetes is following a similar trend, as obesity is known to relate to its onset (Krakowiak et al 2012). Unfortunately, both conditions negatively impact the development of offspring during pregnancy (Krakowiak et. al 2012)Read MoreThe Epidemic Of Obesity And Diabetes Essay1432 Words   |  6 Pagestually zero.’ That’s a reasonable estimate of the probability that public health authorities in the foreseeable future will successfully curb the worldwide epidemics of obesity and diabetes, at least according to Margaret Chan, the director general of the World Health Organization (WHO) – a person who should know. Virtually zero is the likelihood, Chan said at the National Academy of Medicine’s annua l meeting in October, that she and her many colleagues worldwide will successfully prevent ‘a badRead MoreObesity And Type 2 Diabetes Essay1138 Words   |  5 PagesIn the nursing practice, obesity and Type 2 Diabetes are among the issues healthcare practitioners are dealing with. The problem has blown to epidemic proportions to a point whereby over 22 percent of the patients visiting the hospital are either diabetic or obese. Currently, 20 percent of the world’s adult population is classed as obese with more than 10 percent of children over 6 years being affected. Obesity is defined as the excess storage of body fat and plays a great role as a risk factor forRead MoreType Ii Diabetes: Obesity1729 Words   |  7 PagesType II diabetes: obesity and overweight Monica Davila DeVry Type II diabetes: obesity and overweight Diabetes has become a widespread epidemic, primarily because of the increasing prevalence and incidence of type 2 diabetes. Diabetes is an endocrine disease in which the body has either a shortage of insulin or a decrease ability to use insulin or both. Insulin is a hormone that allows glucose to enter the cells and be converted into energy. Diabetes can be characterized as a prevailing, incapacitatingRead MoreObesity, Diabetes And Lung Cancer1046 Words   |  5 PagesEpidemiological studies: Critical Review of Obesity, Diabetes and Lung Cancer Epidemiological Study on Obesity The overweight problem is big issue in the United States and worldwide with the average American weighing 3-5 kilograms more than they did ten years ago. Obesity is an excess of body fat that leads to ill health. The study was based on a sample representative of United States where 22.9 percent men and 23.3 women were obese, and 44.1percent of men and 34 percent of women were overweightRead MoreHealth Problem Of Diabetes And Obesity1182 Words   |  5 PagesPublic Health Problem Diabetes is a deficiency in the body’s ability to metabolize sugar. Insulin is the hormone which typically regulates this process. There are two types of diabetes. The first is type 1. This is caused due to a failure in the insulin producing cells of the pancreas and is diagnosed when a person is young. Type 2 diabetes is the more common diabetes. It can be diagnosed at any time and occurs when blood glucose levels begin to rise higher than normal. This is also called hyperglycemiaRead MoreThe Effects Of Slight Obesity On Diabetes919 Words   |  4 PagesThe results from the examination reveal slight obesity, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, arthritis, liver disease, kidney disease, and cholesterol. The problem of slight obesity can be managed with a weight loss program. Marianna has a BMI of 32 based on weight of 90kg with a height of 5†6. To this end, It is necessary to use a nutritionist, support programs, and set weight goals. She needs to have a follow up program to monitor her health care status with the weight loss. For her blood pressureRead MoreObesity : The Prevalence Of Diabetes1877 Words   |  8 PagesThe prevalence of diabetes in America continues to grow. Information gathered from The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) acknowledge that in the United States, one out of every eleven people has been diagnosed with diabetes and that one out of every four people are diabetic but not aware of it. Research has also shown that the medical costs and lost wages for those who have been diagnosed with diabetes is greater than two hundred billion dollars and that the mortality rate for diabetics