Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Welcome Stranger (English Belonging Related Text)

Name of Text:â€Å"Welcome Stranger† Composer & Date of Publication:Stephanie Dowrick, 2008 Type of Text:Feature Article What is the text about? The text basically gets you to question whether you are an includer or excluder. It’s about people fitting in to different groups at all ages. Identify links to belonging: What elements of this text explore the concept of belonging? The whole text explores people’s connections to others in different groups and settings and questions our role in our sense of belonging and how we make other’s feel. Consider the composer’s purpose/intention: Why do you think the composer made this text?She’s giving her opinion and trying to persuade her audience to be more inclusive. She is informing her audience of the benefits of being inclusive. Who is the target audience for this text? Adult, professional audience. Identify the mood/tone of the text: (e. g. peaceful, anxious, cynical, hopeful, confused etc†¦ ) Critical, serious, persuasive, highly emotive. Identify forms and features relevant to the concept of belonging: Form and structure: argument, narrative, interview†¦ Feature Article Literary techniques: register, alliteration, similes, contrast, repetition, metaphors†¦Rhetorical question, imagery, appeal to emotions, alliteration, high modality, metaphor. Visual techniques: colour, layout, reading paths/vectors, modality, camera angles, colour, sound None Quotation Technique Effect How it represents belonging Do you give much thought to whether you are an â€Å"includer† by nature-or not? Rhetorical QuestionOpening rhetorical question engages the audience my making them stop to think. This article shows the enormous power that we as people have to enrich communities, groups and other peoples’ lives, including our own. â€Å"the image of a child standing alone in a crowded playground†.Imagery It appeals to our sense of emotions and fear of isolation. It represents a child not belonging in the group. â€Å"vital sense of inclusion† High Modality Emphasises how important belonging is. Very persuasive. It depicts perceptions of belonging and how important it is for our wellbeing that we do belong. â€Å"They are society’s treasures† Metaphor It positions us to want be one of those treasures/ it’s persuasive. We can identify with a treasure, because we all want to be treasured, that is looked after and appreciated-after all that is what is belonging is al about.What are the characters’ / persona’s / composer’s perceptions of their belonging? The composer’s perception of belonging is that it is important, and it is just as important to offer belonging to others, to give it, as well as to take it. What are the characters’ / persona’s / composer’s experiences and notions of: identity? Belonging gives people a sense of identity which provides security and happine ss. relationships? Our sense of belonging is dependent upon our connections with others. acceptance? Do we accept others. understanding? We have to understand people, the need to belong.Are there characters who enrich or challenge the group? Explain how they do this. The includers are the ones who encrich the community and the excluders challenge the community. Are attitudes to belonging modified over time? Do any characters make choices not to belong? Are there any barriers preventing belonging? The people who excluder others. How is this text similar or different to Strictly Ballroom? Similar: -ideas about belonging: both question the individual’s role and ability to enrich or challenge group -ideas of not belonging is explored in both texts both broaden our understanding of ourselves and the world- we question our own behaviour and the behaviour of others -both explore relationships and connections with people, groups and communities. -both explore notions of acceptance an d understanding -both explore barriers to belonging Different: -form: feature article and film -techniques: persuasive language and film techniques -purpose: to persuade, give an opinion and inform and to entrain -audience: professional 2008 and 1980’s adults

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